The State of Israel also applies its genocidal policies in West Bank

Featured image: vehicle destroyed after an Israeli raid in Kafr Dan, West Bank. Source: Raneen Sawafta/Reuters

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) it has recently published his 113th report on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In it the data is very shocking: according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), between October 7, 2023 and June 3, 2024, 508 Palestinians, including 124 children, have been murdered in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Additionally 11 Palestinians have been murdered in recent Israeli raids held between June 3 and 9. While the State of Israel, with the invaluable help of the imperialists, mainly of Yankee imperialism, commits brutal massacres in the Gaza Strip, in the West Bank also carries out murders and attacks against the people of Palestine.

The number of raids has significantly increased since 7th of October:

Increase of Israeli raids on West Bank. Source: The Intercept; graphic made by Fei Liu

In recent weeks the number of attacks and their violence have intensified. Thus, the UNRWA points out that it has detected at least 161 search and detention operations only between June 3 and 9 in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In these Israeli military operations, they are using drones to bomb, which are means used in an open war. The large volume of operations carried out has led to the arrest of 225 Palestinians, including refugees during this period, being the highest number in a sole week since February 2024. Other studies report that since October 7, 9,170 Palestinians have been arrested in the West Bank. Among them, there would be at least 640 children.

Palestine Chronicle reports on Jenin becoming a closed military area by the Israeli occupation forces:

In this city, Israeli troops have attacked in purpose many houses, clearly civil objectives and key infrastructure such as electricity, once more showing that their goal is to annihilate the people of Palestine and expel it from their land turning their homes into impossible to inhabit. As usual with the Zionist occupants, they have also attacked ambulances and medical teams, also blocking the roads to the Jenin hospital. Additionally there has been a constant campaign of harassment of street vendors, destruction of civil vehicles, food markets, etc.

It is also reported that the Palestinians have responded to it with fierce clashes and struggling, using explosive devices against Israeli military vehicles and shooting the Israeli forces, as some videos of reporters on the ground show:

The attacks of Israeli settlers have also increased in the West Bank, which although they always acted with impunity, now they do it more intensely shoulder to shoulder with Israeli troops. From October 7 to March 31, OCHA has registered 1,096 settlers attacks. All of this happened despite international sanctions to some of these settlers. These sanctions become once more useless since imperialists do not really want to stop these Israeli attacks, but they support them to a greater or lesser extent, showing that their public complaints of what happened in Palestine, it is pure hypocrisy. This also shows how the people of Palestine can only rely on their own forces to resist the genocidal aggression of Israeli and their imperialist masters.

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