Turkey: Actions of Partizan for the 1st of May and a update on the detained in Istanbul

1st of May demonstration in Dersim, Turkey. Source: Yeni Demokrasi

Yesterday we reported on the struggle in Istanbul, where thousands of people attempted to march to the Taksim square despite heavy police blockade. Yeni Demokrasi reports on the 3rd of May that the detention period of 35 detained have been continued for another day without any concrete justification and the detained still not have had the chance to appear before court to give their statement. 17 Partizan readers are being prosecuted under the charge of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” for the slogan “Our leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya!” and carrying flags with the silhouette of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, even though there are no legal grounds for this.

Partizan has made a press statement, stating that the repression will not stop the struggle and demanded that the detained are released. The statement denounced: “With the de facto state of emergency practices, efforts were made to prevent workers and toilers from meeting and anger against the system from becoming a destructive force. Thousands of people met in Saraçhane to march to Taksim.” It was highlighted that there was a special attack on Partizan, and its contingent was harassed by the police already before they entered Saraçhane. “We find it useful to point out: There is no court decision stating that neither Partizan nor İbrahim Kaypakkaya are banned. This is a completely arbitrary practice.” The statement ended by declaring: “We stand with our comrades. We call on all our people to embrace our comrades, our comrades’ struggle and May 1st. Our comrades and friends who have been detained for 3 days should be released immediately. Taksim belongs to the people!”

Following the struggle, a wave of house raids has been unleashed against many different organizations. At least 47 people have been detained in these raids.

In Dersim, unions and revolutionary-democratic organizations marched on the 1st of May. During the march, slogans for the 1st of May, for the victory of the working class and in solidarity with the struggle on Taksim square in Istanbul were shouted. In addition, the Partizan contingent shouted slogans such as “Freedom Against Oppression!”, “Our leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya!”, and “Workers and peasants hand in hand for the Democratic Revolution!” and “Long live the 1st of May!” in Turkish and Kurdish. The march ended with a rally with speeches and messages from multiple organizations, including Partizan, and a celebration with halay dances. In the end, the police attacked and detained four youths for “wearing the yellow, red and green colors.”

Partizan marched also in Izmir and Samandağ. They greeted their detained comrades in Istanbul with the slogan “Our leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya!”

In the capital Ankara, the May 1st march took place amid a heavy storm.

In Tarsus, Partizan marched with the slogan “Hope grows with the struggle!”

Partizan has also participated in events in Europe.

In Germany, Partizan took part in demonstrations in Munich, Stuttgart, Ulm, Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Hannover, Wuppertal and Hamburg. The focus was on opposing imperialist aggression and armament and the genocide in Gaza.

Partizan took part in demonstrations also in Liege, Belgium, Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands as well as Paris, France.

Partizan on a 1st of May march in Liege, Belgium. Source: Yeni Demokrasi

In London, England, Partizan participated with a banner with the slogans “Long Live May 1st” and “Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!”

Partizan in the demonstration in London. Source: Yeni Demokrasi
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