Turkey: fines for those who commemorated Kaypakkaya in Ankara in 2021

Featured image: commemoration in 2021 for Kaypakkaya in Ankara. Source: Yeni Demokrasi.

Yeni Demokrasi yesterday reported that the 13 detainees in the commemoration for İbrahim Kaypakkaya which took place in Ankara on 20 May, 2021, have received fines of 3 thousand TL’s for each of them. Among the 13 attendants, there were four Partizan readers and also there were members of the New Democratic Youth (YDG). Yeni Demokrasi reports that the detainees will bring the sentence to the Appeal Cort.

We previously reported they were detained, but also retained for six days and they were also tortured and beaten by police.

Additionally to these actions, many others have been carried out by the old Turkish State against those who uphold the communist leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya, showing once more how the ruling classes still fear the legacy of İbrahim Kaypakkaya. On 1st of May those who carried the silhouettes of the communist leader also were harshly attacked. However, these attacks, blows, detentions, fines and repression, have not prevented to continue the continuators of Kaypakkaya in any moment, and for sure we will continue seeing actions in Turkey in which his banner will be waving.

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