Ecuador – Do not Fall in the Electoral Ambush. The Way is: NOT TO VOTE!

We hereby share an unofficial translation of a statement published by the FDLP-EC.

While the streets are filled with blood and in the poor neighborhoods dozens of young people are massacred on daily basis trapped in a senseless war. While the living costs skyrocketed, fuels reach international prices, unemployment grows, and hospitals have neither doctors nor medicines. While hunger intensifies, the candidates dance, they contort as if they were gargoyles with strange movements, laugh, sing and show their bodies like merchandise… or pigs?

They offer the unreachable, not only because it is part of electoral demagoguery, but because within the limits of what the old State can and wants do, it is simply not possible.

The campaign is reduced to TikTok, Instagram and, occasionally, a speech wrapped in nothing, hollow, meaningless.

And the so-called “left” participates in this crude dance. The Socialist Party, with Granja as a candidate, a character whose behavior seems to vary depending on the level of psychotropic substances that he sniffs. Jorge Escala of the Unidad Popular, presents itself as an anachronistic and misplaced representative of the Hoxhaism/Bolivarianism in the country. Fatuous and aimless, all he needs to do is record a video in underwear to get some attention among his revisionist friends. For her part, Iza is no different: she sings and dances, like the others. Meanwhile, the sky seems to unite with the earth, and between them is our people, crushed in the most abject misery and imaginable violence.

All this mockery could serve as an argument to throw the electoral processes to the dustbin of history. But it is not like that. Beyond deception, paraphernalia and bombastic speech; beyond the empty calls to the young people, ridicules and lies, there is a deep truth: these miserable, which are many in the bureaucratic, constitutionalist and electoral path, they play with the misery, hunger and pain of the people.

Elections, as part of the government system, have a class character that cannot be ignored. Under no circumstances they respond to the interests neither the proletariat nor the poor, exploited and oppressed masses of the country. Far from being a transformation mechanism, they are an instrument for perpetuate domination and manipulate the desperation of the masses.

Poor farmers, workers and students: the slogan of the people with dignity and history is clear. DON’T VOTE! This is the position of those who dare to put their forces into action, those who reject the ballot box, the deception and the “democratic” ambush that the merchants of pain and misery impose on us.

DON’T VOTE! Because elections solve absolutely nothing related to the interests of the great majorities.

DON’T VOTE! Because elections only serve to sustain the old system of government, that outdated democracy that is at the service of the great bourgeoisie and big landlords.

DON’T VOTE! Because abstaining is an act of rebellion against imperialism, the old State and all the candidates and president. History has shown that these are not there to solve the fundamental problems of the masses, but to perpetuate the bureaucratic and repressive apparatus that oppresses us.

DON’T VOTE! Because the supposed “representatives”, regardless of their political affiliation, have filled their speeches with empty promises, betraying again and again what they call the “people’s will”.

DON’T VOTE! Because abstaining is an act of dignity, a commitment to ourselves and with those with whom we understand that the current problems and strategic issues can only be resolved in the course of the Revolution of New Democracy.


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