Declaration by the TKP/ML for the Week of Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a document by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML):

Our martyrs are the consciousness and spirit of the proletariat and the people’s cause of liberation, the will to fight for this cause until the last breath. The commitment to the victory of our liberation struggle is embodied in the will of our immortals. Our martyrs are the energy of the ongoing struggle, the fundamental reason for dispersing the despair created by defeat. Our martyrs are the most distinguished and most advanced subjects of our cause, and they are determined by the final attitude they display. This is what makes them privileged, special, and enables them to clarify our consciousness.
This situation is a decisive factor that enables revolutionaries and communists who wage national and social liberation struggle to understand the difficult path and the necessary costs, to be determined in the struggle and to reach the knowledge of all these in a definite manner. Our Party overcame its first defeat with the leadership of Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya, with its 1st Conference in 1978. The centralization of the Party organization in line with the line of Comrade İbrahim was ensured, and as part of the claim to create a fighting Party, a decision was made that understood how important those who were immortalized in the cause of revolution and communism were for the struggle. The last week of this month was declared the “Week of Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution” because it marks the death of Lenin, the great master of the International Proletariat, as it was the beginning of the arrests that resulted in the murder of the leaders of the German revolution Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, the founder of the TKP, Mustafa Suphi and 15 of his comrades, one of the first cadres of our Party, Ali Haydar Yıldız and finally our leadership İbrahim Kaypakkaya.
After the decision was made, our Party sent hundreds of its cadres, members and militants to immortality with the attitude of building a warrior Party on the path of People’s War. The structure of our revolution, which was based on weapons from the beginning to the end, necessitated a determined and persistent political line. This line is a will that insists in guerrilla warfare and perseveres in the reality of at the end all power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Every loss we experienced on the battlefields was the blood carried to the Party line and the belief instilled in the revolutionary struggle. The positions were filled with this consciousness, each of our comrades followed the path of our immortals and remained loyal to their message of “do better than us”.
Our People of Turkish, Kurdish and various nationalities,
In the last 40 years, during which reactionaries have been clamoring that “the era of armed struggle is over,” national and social liberation struggles have not been interrupted in the world and in the country. Yes, there have been setbacks, major defeats, but the struggle has continued.
Today, these struggles continue at various levels and in various forms. The imperialist world system continues its relentless attacks on oppressed nations and peoples. Imperialist powers and their client states are going through an increasingly intense crisis. This crisis intensifies the contradictions between imperialists and escalates their struggles to expand their share in the markets. This, in turn, brings the military option into play even more.
US-British imperialism and the entire Western imperialist alliance, in addition to their own internal contradictions, are focusing on a military orientation that particularly encircles Russian imperialism. This intensified warmongering was implemented through Ukraine, a neighbor of Russian imperialism. Russia responded to this provocation with the occupation of Ukraine. The contradictions between the imperialists are intensifying on the Ukraine-Russia front today.
Another area where imperialist warmongering is concentrated is the Middle East. Zionism’s aggression focused on destroying Palestine spread to the entire region within a year. While Zionism was spewing death at the resistance and people in Palestine and Lebanon, it continued its attacks targeting Yemen, Syria, Iraq and eventually Iran. US imperialism’s drive to design the region through war yielded its first results in Syria. The US servant fascist Republic of Turkey took a serious role in this move. The groundwork for the wave of attacks that will expand towards Iran has been further strengthened.
The warmongering of US imperialism focuses on breaking the military, political and economic influence of its rivals, Russia and China. In addition, it wants to consolidate its dominance by destroying or weakening all resisting forces. The orientation of imperialism covers a wide area from the Far East to the Caucasus, from the Middle East to Africa. The fascist Republic of Turkey is making great efforts to take a leading role in this orientation.
Trump, who used the argument of “anti-war” in the US presidential race, showed his eagerness to expand his borders by demanding rights from Canada, Panama, Mexico and Denmark after winning the presidency. He stated that if he did not get what he wanted in Palestine and the Middle East, he would escalate the war even more. It seems that warmongering and contradictions will increase even more with Trump.
Our people, Comrades,
We draw attention to the positioning of the imperialists and their servants that promises blood, tears, oppression, death and more vital problems to the people. To this end, they inflate their defense budgets, constantly arm themselves and prepare their armies for war. They are seeking to isolate the oppressed nations and peoples from weapons and eliminate their organized forces. While they themselves are constantly arming themselves and taking a war stance, the tale of the harms of being armed and the blessings of the peaceful struggle is told to the oppressed nations and peoples. The threat that the forces who do not lay down their weapons will be destroyed does not stop for a moment. The national liberation organizations that are showing armed resistance in every part of Kurdistan, from Palestine to Lebanon, are given the choice of surrendering or being annihilated. Again, in the Philippines and India, the People’s Wars are being put under siege and the choice of either surrendering or being annihilated is imposed. The imperialist world system is pursuing liquidation in order to prevent the peoples and oppressed nations from forming independent action and lines in order to ensure the security of the exploitation network and to intensify the contradictions among themselves. Today, the fascist Republic of Turkey’s “new liquidation process” aiming to disarm the Kurdish National Movement is also based on this foundation. In every part of Kurdistan, the Kurdish movement is sought to capitulate, disarm and left without an army. While Syrian Kurdistan and Iraqi Kurdistan are under military occupation and attack, the “peace and reconciliation” game is being played domestically. We would like to draw attention to the fact that there is a concentration on preparations for a greater war and conflict. The development that is taking place includes a “peace and reconciliation” that reinforces hostility towards the Kurdish nation. Historical experiences and the positioning that has been taken make us say this.
The Call of Our Immortals for the Revolution is:
These developments in the world clearly show us the importance of insisting on a stronger organization, independent line and action under the leadership of the proletariat. They reveal the need for oppressed nations and peoples to organize an independent revolutionary war against imperialist warmongering. Today, its deficiency and weakness magnify its importance even more. The accumulation formed with the blood and lives of our martyrs serves as a compass for us in such a difficult period. Today, those who have become immortal for the Kurdish freedom cause in every part of Kurdistan against the fierce attacks and threats of the fascist Republic of Turkey, resist and struggle. The peoples who resist the cruelty to death against the attacks of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian cause and Lebanon are sharpening our consciousness of challenging the powerful. The resistances that sealed the battlefields with their blood for the victory of the People’s War in the Philippines and India show the route of real liberation.
Organizing and expanding the cause of liberation will become possible by insisting on the People’s War line. From comrade İbrahim to comrade Nubar, from comrade Ali Haydar to comrade Özgür and Deniz, from comrade Meral to comrade Rosa and Asmin, hundreds of our martyrs have paved the path to be followed and the line to be followed clear. Under the political leadership of our Party, we must concentrate, be enthusiastic, and act with hope and resistance in order to convince the masses of people to combat and organize them in war for political power, to defeat imperialism, comprador capitalism, feudalism and all kinds of reactionism. Our Party maintains its determination and resolve against all liquidationist processes, hopelessness and discouragement with the confidence in its line and the guiding power of our immortals.
PB of the CC of the TKP/ML
Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist
January 2025