Brazil: Murder of young Victoria dos Santos
We hereby share an unofficial translation of a note by Red Unity, Brazil, denouncing the murder of the Victoria dos Santos:
On Thursday, January 9, 2025, another cowardly murder occurred by the São Paulo military police against poor black youth from the outskirts. The young Victoria dos Santos, just 16 years old, was cowardly murdered during the police’s already criminal attack on her brother on a street in the Guaianazes neighborhood, located in the east zone of São Paulo.
According to the young woman’s mother, Vanessa dos Santos, after hearing a rush on the street, Victoria’s brother went to check what it was about, at which point the police arrived, violently approaching him and throwing him to the ground. When her sister went to see what was happening to her brother, she was shot and was left without medical attention, the mother reports the following: “I knelt down at the police officer so he help my daughter, but they didn’t help. They were worried about putting my son in the vehicle.”
By the time the young woman was brought to hospital she had already died. This is another crime of the old state against the people, committed by the worms of the Military Police of São Paulo, which has been taking place successively, especially against the black youth of the Favelas, legitimized by Tarcisio Vendile and his state security secretary Derrite.
We as young people of the people know very well that when these police approaches begin in the Favela, it is not known where it will end. All the humiliation and violence used, where you can die at any time regardless of what you do, is the continued proof that everything that is said of a “democratic rule of law” is nothing but words to the wind depending on its social class and your color. The same police who lowers their heads and need to ask for forgiveness in their approaches in the rich neighborhoods, and clearly says that the approach has to be different in these places, it is the same one that first shoots then asks in the poor neighborhoods.
The death of Victoria dos Santos (16), young Gregory Ribeiro Vasconcelos (17, murdered in Baixada Santista in November 2024), Ryan da Silva Andrade (4 years, murdered in the same operation that killed Gregory in November 2024), Gabriel Faria (27-years-old, nephew of rapper Eduardo Taddeo), and so many other recent murders show that they are not “isolated cases”, “lack of police preparation” or anything, as the press monopoly says. The function of the Military Police is this, to defend the interests of the rotten ruling classes, the landowners, the big bourgeoisie and the imperialists, to suppress and attack the people, with this low-intensity war policy to create a climate of terror for the masses, thinking that so they will not get up to face all the rot of this system and their old state. Sweet illusion that they will contain the revolutionary fury of the masses!
The work of denouncing and to mobilize the slums against police slaughter is more necessary than ever! We who have done this work since the beginning of the organization know all the humiliations that comes for the families after these murders, especially by the old State, where the minimum is often denied in the judiciary and the police continue living freely without any kind of punishment. We call upon all the democrats, revolutionaries, especially the youth, to take active part in the campaign against the slaughter in the Favelas of all Brazil, because only the mobilized and organized people will be able to defeat this genocidal policy of the old State. We must never forget that it is right to rebel, and that the people have the sacred right to resist and defend themselves, in the necessary way, against all kinds of open or veiled violence committed by the old State of big landlords and the big bourgeois, servants of imperialism, mainly Yankee.
For an end to the massacres in Favelas throughout Brazil!
Enough of the MP massacres in the Favelas and of Israel in Palestine!
It is right to rebel!