Brazil: New Format for A Propósito and Plantão Palestina
A Nova Democracia informs: “The program has undergone changes: now, it will be presented by the newspaper’s General Director and Editor-in-Chief, Victor Bellizia, in a more analytical format. The program will always be broadcasted at night. The days will vary depending on each week, but a calendar will be made available on Sundays with the weekly schedule.”
Starting on January 27 A Propósito will be broadcast anew on YouTube, on the TV-chanel of AND:
Live programs will also be broadcast on Twitch.
At the same time, AND will continue to cover the national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people through the Instagram Plantão Palestina AND. There will be daily publications of videos about the main facts of the Palestinian people’s national liberation war. Videos will also be published on the WhatsApp of AND.