Mexico: Dr. Sernas García, 6 years of forced disappearance

We publish an unofficial translation of an article of Sol Rojo Mexico on the protests for the 6th anniversary of the forced disappearance of Dr. Sernas García.

On May 14, the SolRojistas we went out to the streets of Oaxaca in compliance with the established guidelines for our Work Plan. This date has been marked as the final part of the 2nd phase of our Day of Struggle in Defense of Rights of the People, and has focused its actions on the demand for presentation with life of comrade Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, who has been forcefully disappeared for six years, since that May 10, 2018.

As expected, the SolRojista contingents have gathered to fulfill and enforce this call by marching in columns and flooding the streets and squares of the city of Oaxaca with the red banner.

Previously, various actions were carried out, such as a conference press release on May 6 announcing the mobilization from the camp of resistance that we have next to the Temple of Santo Domingo in the heart of the city, in addition to some points that demand their presentation with life and finally two important pronouncements , the first of which was issued on May 11 by Section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE and the second by more than twenty democratic and revolutionary organizations of various states of the republic.

All this, added to the mass mobilization, has made clear that the demand for presentation with life of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García is a just struggle, which is still valid and has deep roots among working people and their organizations.

It is important to mention that the mobilization continued throughout the day and until night, where there were cultural contributions, including the screening of a documentary by Partizan Medya titled “guerrilla four seasons” , subtitled into Spanish in a collaboration with the comrades of Periódico Mural and Cultural and Science Studies Center for the Proletarian Revolution. A contingent of our organization remained in a sit-in waiting for the arrival of the CNTE march for the installation of the massive encampment within the framework of the indefinite strike of the teachers.

Herby, we share some images of this mobilization.

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