Actions for the 44th anniversary of the initiation of the People’s War in Peru
44 years ago on 17th of May 1980, the Communist Party of Peru initiated the People’s War. Since it has been a bright shining beacon for the communists, revolutionaries and the peoples of the world. Hence, the communists and revolutionaries around the globe celebrate the day. In the following we document some of the actions that were carried out.
Dazibaos were put up in the Danish capital Copenhagen and in Aalborg. A Danish translation of a poem by the Communist Party of Peru for Chairman Gonzalo was published. As well the Danish version of the document by the Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo was republished,
In Vantaa, in the capital region of Finland, a Graffito was done:
In Albacete, Spanish State, Graffiti actions were carried out:
The MPP has published a document which was translated into English.