The peoples of the world continue showing solidarity with Palestine

Featured image: mobilization before the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Roede Fane

The bourgeois media around the world have tried to white-washing what is happening in the Gaza Strip these days, putting all the focus on a “successful operation” in which four Israeli prisoners of the Palestinian resistance were released. This operation has resulted in the murder of 274 Palestinians. These brutal murders are added to all those previously murdered, resulting in a death-toll of 37,124 murdered and 84,712 injured in the Gaza Strip. Additionally there are 534 murdered and more than 4,950 injured in the West Bank. These execrable crimes committed by the State of Israel have resulted in an increasing solidarity with Palestine by the peoples of the world. Hence, the pressure on the governments is increasing, driving e.g. the Spanish State joining the case filed against Israel by South Africa at the ICJ.

Hereby we report on some of the actions done since last time we reported on that.

From Lebanon, Hezbollah has been carrying out numerous actions against Israeli troops and in solidarity with Palestine. In several of these attacks done against the northern settlement of Hurfeish, the Israeli media have reported on two dead and dozens of injured. Hezbollah has published videos of some of its most successful operations, which have caused casualties among Israeli troops:

Moreover recently they have shoot down a sophisticated Israeli drone:

Also other resistance forces in Middle East are active. For example the Islamic Resistance from Iraq has attacked military Israeli targets in Haifa, Eilat and the occupied Golan Heights.

In Yemen, Ansar Allah (know as the “Houthies”) continues its solidarity campaign with the people of Palestine and therefore, continues targeting objectives linked to the State of Israel. On this occasion they have hit two ships during the weekend, and this information has been confirmed by Yankee and British imperialists. In addition, the leaders of Ansar Allah have stated that they will continue to target, among other objectives, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier that was already attacked twice.

In the streets of Sanaa, the capital, thousands of Yemenis often take the streets to protest against the genocidal aggression that the Palestinians face, and to denounce the Yankees and British aggression against their own country.

In Jakarta, Indonesia, dozens of thousands joined a rally in support of Palestine and its independence.

In Morocco the people also take the streets to support Palestine, and against the acts of their rulers, lackeys of Yankee imperialism and faithful allies and business partners of the State of Israel.

In the very heart of the imperialist superpower, in United States, the protests against Zionism and in favor of Palestine continue being carried out. Recently, pro-Palestinian demonstrators in New York, confronted a protest which condemned the role of the Palestinian resistance and which was also making tribute to the Nova festival, white-washing the Zionist crimes in Gaza. The protesters shouted “Long Live the Intifada”.

US students also strongly continued their struggle and solidarity with Palestine. In the UCLA’s campus, Los Angeles, the students clashed with anti-riot police, having as result a big amount of students detained.

At the Stanford University, the students occupied a building and built up barricades in order to resist the attacks of the police. After the struggle with police, 13 students were arrested and suspended from the university.

Moreover, on Saturday thousands of people gathered before the White House to protest against the Biden administration policies towards Gaza.

In France, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah is organizing many mobilizations in the framework of the International Week of Action for the liberation of the imprisoned Lebanese revolutionary.

On 7th of June more than 200 people held a rally in Paris.

On 8th of June a new mobilization in Paris was carried out. It was to support the people of Palestine and its heroic resistance and in solidarity with the people of Kanaky. Also it was demanding the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (GIA).

In Aubervilliers, another mobilization to support the Palestinian resistance and for the liberation of GIA was carried out.

Additionally they have called for numerous new mobilizations in Lille, Bordeaux and Lyon, among other cities.

On 9th of June, in Copenhagen, Denmark, many carried out a demonstration which went to the Israel’s embassy. This was the last of the daily demonstrations during this last week. The focus of the slogans was on the arms exports by the Danish imperialism to the State of Israel.

In Norway several mobilizations in solidarity with Palestine and against the actions of the State of Israel have been carried out. Kampkomiteen reports on a powerful mobilization in Oslo, were two weeks ago between 700 and 1,000 protesters gathered in a demonstration.

On the university campus of the city of Trondheim, a rally was held in which around a hundred of students gathered and protested against the ties of the university with Israeli institutions and against the arms selling by Kongsberg Gruppen to the State of Israel.

In Germany, the State still attempts to suffocate the pro-Palestinian mobilizations by repressing them, but it cannot achieve it. On the last Saturday’s night a big demonstration was carried out at the Neukölln neighborhood, Berlin. The police again attempted to intimidate the mobilization and arrested several attendants.

The Hamburg Palestine Alliance has called for a rally on Friday 14th of June before the French consulate to demand the freedom of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, as a part of the International Week of Action.

In Ireland, Saoirse don Phalaistín reports that three of its activists have been convicted because they showed their support to Palestine by entering an English warship and protesting against its links to the genocide perpetrated in the Gaza Strip.

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