Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Millions of people are called to participate in the upcoming European elections. Between June 6 and 9, the voters of the 27 member States of the European Union (EU) will elect 720 members of the European Parliament. The imperialists urge the masses to participate massively in these elections, using for this purpose all their propaganda power (fear of imperialist war throughout Europe, fear of terrorism, false illusions about reforms to change the problems of the masses…). The European Union was born as an alliance of the imperialists, and remains so today. There is no possibility of a “social” or “democratic” Europe under imperialism. That is why they call for a high participation: they want to legitimize before public opinion the reactionary projects of imperialism.
The reactionary policies of the EU and the differences that exist between the different member States are not due to the “democratic game” in the political institutions (Council, Parliament, summits…), but rather to the collusion and struggle of the imperialists. The European Union is not a block, or a “European imperialism”, but an alliance of countries of Europe, under hegemony of Germany – in collusion and contend with France that tries to increase its power – to dispute against Yankee imperialism. The other imperialist countries (Italy, Spain, Belgium, Finland…) seek to benefit and improve their positions. That is why there is no such thing as “European imperialism”.
The militarization of the EU during the last years is notorious, especially since the war of aggression of Russian imperialism in Ukraine. Taking advantage of this imperialist aggression, the EU has increased its warmongering talk and has increased its militarization process. More military budget, more armaments, more repression… With greater militarization they want to repress the masses and delay the revolution. In addition, they seek a frightened public opinion in favor of the imperialist war. They seek to become new superpowers and to contest the hegemony now held by U.S. imperialism, dividing up a new spoils of the world through world war. That is why Germany and France, are beating the drums of war with its warmongering speeches and increasing military operations.
The imperialists plunder the oppressed nations of Eastern and Southern Europe and the Baltics. Although imperialism does not need an oppressed nation to be inside the EU to subjugate it, it makes it easier. It brings them into the common policy to dominate them more easily: Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania… During the last EU Summit in March, the process of incorporating Bosnia-Herzegovina has reached a new level. Thus, it joins Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia, which were already candidates. Imperialism is insatiable and seeks more and more. Outside Europe, the imperialists are dividing up the world by deploying a “common foreign policy” where their profits increase.
The common policies pursued by the EU are openly reactionary, criminal and in the service of the imperialists. It cannot be changed from within. An instrument of oppression is an instrument of oppression. There are many examples. In parliamentary politics, the European Social Funds (ESF) are used to extort oppressed EU member nations to accept the terms of the imperialists. In industry, they hypocritically propagate the “ecology” to favor the export of finance capital to oppressed nations outside the EU. At the borders, the various migration pacts have turned the Mediterranean into a mass grave, committing genocide against thousands of masses. In the countryside, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subjugates the small producer to the monopolies. In culture, they finance cultural and social projects that promote “the European spirit”. That is to say, individualism, bourgeois democracy and anti-communism. All this in a growing spiral of militarization and warmongering.
But the growing reactionarization of the EU, militarization and warmongering talk is not evidence of the triumph of the EU. On the contrary, it is evidence of its deep crisis and decomposition. Since the beginning of this decade, the crisis of imperialism and bureaucratic capitalism has worsened throughout the world, deepening its decomposition. The imperialists cannot continue to rule as before. The main contradiction at the present moment -and at the same time, the main contradiction of imperialism- is the contradiction between oppressed nations and imperialist superpowers and powers. The explosiveness of the masses makes the imperialists, reactionaries and revisionists tremble. Little by little, a new period of revolutions is manifesting itself as part of the New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution.
This is happening all over the world, and logically, also in “the old continent”. The mobilizations and struggles in solidarity with the heroic Palestinian National Resistance demonstrate the hypocrisy of bourgeois democracy, where despite repression the masses are fighting, and will continue to fight, for Palestine. The protests of the proletarian youth, especially in France, show that imperialism is a paper tiger. The protests against the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) led thousands of farmers from almost all European countries to take to the streets. The struggles against the racist migration policy show that the masses strive for international solidarity. The whole of Europe is a powder keg that can explode at any moment. In short, the situation shows the crisis and decomposition of imperialism and how the masses are looking for direction. That direction can only be given by its vanguard, the Communist Party.
This situation determines the tasks of the revolutionaries: to constitute or reconstitute Communist Parties guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to make the revolution, to take power with revolutionary war, with people’s war.
The masses distrust bourgeois democracy and its administrators. The objective conditions for revolution have never been as ripe as now. We must firmly develop the subjective conditions with audacity. Let us rely on the masses, let us unmask the imperialist institutions, let us dispel false parliamentary illusions, let us criticize the revisionists and opportunists who seek to legitimize the next bourgeois leader. Let us deploy a strong boycott campaign denouncing the EU as an alliance of the imperialists. A vote cast is a vote for the bourgeoisie. Not a workers vote at the ballot box. The blue flag of the 12 stars is lower than ever. Let us fly the red flag high.
Committees for the Foundation of the (Maoist) Communist Party of Austria
Committee Red Star, Denmark
Maoist Committee in Finland
Maoist Communist Party (France)
Committee Red Flag, Germany
Communist Committee of the Netherlands
Serve the People – Communist League of Norway
Maoist Communist Party – Spanish State