Overview on the latest development in Brazil

We hereby present a summary of several news from Brazil published by the newspaper A Nova Democracia.

The 1st of May event in Recife was marked by denouncing the latifundium and in commemoration of the Barro Branco squatters. The event began with a march to agitate for the 1st of May, where the importance of the popular press was presence, selling newspapers and raising money for the Mata Sul – PE squatters. Subsequently, presentations were made denouncing the old State or on the Branco/Jaqueira (PE) squatters against the latifundium of the company Agropecuária Mata Sul Ltda. A lawyer of Abrapo mentioned that despite death threats and the attempt to repress them, they achieve to take back the water sources on March 18 that the landowner had stolen and that they confronted the goons.

March in Recife. Source: A Nova Democracia

More than 200 organizations and personalities demand the immediate reopening of the Special Commission on Dead and Missing from the Fascist Military Regime. The political event promoted by A Nova Democracia that took place on April 25, as already reported, was what impulsed this signatures.

Political event to pass the reopening of the Special Commission on Dead and Missing from the Fascist Military Regime. Source: A Nova Democracia

On May 25, the students of the Federal University of São Paulo made a public denounce to Luiz Inacio da Silva when he went to the University for a speech. The students publicly condemned the cuts in the education funds and demanded the recomposition of the budget of the federal faculties, and other national matters such as the fiscal framework, the “new” secondary education (NEM), against the Military Police and in defense of the Palestinian national resistance. The University has been on strike since March 18, which involves students, teachers and other employees.

The protests began the day before, occupying a building inside the campus. Banners and posters were made, Palestinian flags were put up and a rally was done during the morning of May 25, where they distributed leaflets about the cuts and the NEM. Although different forces of repression tried to stop them, the combative attitude of the students continued and managed to place themselves with a banner that said “Stop the cuts of the funds with an occupation strike!” in between of Lula’s speech and the official media, covering Lula completely.

Banner covering da Silva’s speech. Source: A Nova Democracia

The Movement of Independent Academics (MBI) denounced the precariousness of student assistance at the University of Minas Gerais, which is managed by a private entity. The mandatory “practices” of the students, which function as part-time job but without having labor rights such as vacations, full transport bonus or food bonus, and all this for almost a third of the minimum wage.

At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, a student strike has been called in an assembly with more than 500 students. The strike will begin on June 11. The collapse of the ceiling of the Faculty of Dance, the lack of drinking water and the fire risk at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, together with the lack of financing for education at national level, has aggravated the situation leading to this strike.

Students assembly approving the strike. Source: A Nova Democracia

In an assembly, the professors of the State University of Minas Gerais, UEMG, have decided to continue the strike. This assembly brought together professors from 13 departments, and the lack of predisposition by the State Government to negotiate together with and the threats of additional cuts in payments was denounce. Their strike continues since May 2.

Assembly of UEMG. Source: A Nova Democracia

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