We Don’t want More Murders like Stan Swamy  and Pandu Narote 

CASR Demand Immediately Release E Abubacker

We publish the press statement received per mail:

28th May Delhi High court Denied Bail former PFI Chief E Abubacker, the ex-PFI chief was arrested under UAPA after PFI was raided, and later banned by the state, in 2022. The charges against PFI, according to the case registered by NIA, include criminal conspiracy to raise funds for terror, and also, conducting training camps for terrorist activities. However, no evidence exists for the same. He is a cancer survivor and has also been afflicted with Parkinson’s disease. By not releasing him on bail on health grounds, or even allowing house arrest, the state is denying his right to life. This will lead to the weakening of the individual and might even lead to a situation similar to that of Stan Swami, whose conditions worsened in prison. Stan Swami eventually died in prison to these worsening health conditions. The state is torturing individuals who fight for the basic democratic rights of the minorities within the country. This is to ensure that there is no dissent against the tyranny unleashed by fascism within the country

PFI has declared in its constitution that they aim to ensure the protection of rights of Muslims and other minorities and the development of these minorities in the country. They also have a staunch anti Hindutva Brahmanical fascist position. Thus,none can see that this is an organisation working towards the democratization of Indian society.  E Abubacker has been arrested for struggling to ensure greater democratization within the country. . Rona Wilson, Hany Babu and the  membersnof Kabir Kala Manch continue to face imprisonment for raising their voices for democratic rights. CASR demands the  release of Abubacker on bail based on health conditions, and the release of all other political prisoners.

Campaign Against State Repression 

(AIRSO,AISA, AISF, APCR,BASF, BSM, Bhim Army,  bsCEM, CEM, CRPP, CTF, , DISSC, DSU, DTF, Forum Against Repression Telangana, Fraternity ,IAPL, Innocence Network,  Karnataka Janashakti, LAA,Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, , NAPM, , Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People’s Watch, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janparishad,Smajwadi lok manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Mnach, United Against Hate, United Peace Alliance, WSS,Y4S)

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