We publish an unofficial translation of a note issued by the League of Poor Peasants of Brazil published in A Nova Democracia.
On May 24 Mr. José Gaudino dos Santos, the honored comrade Lambeu, as all the people from the Revolutionary Area Renato Natan, as well as the activists of the League of Poor Peasants Northeast, knew and respected him, died.
Comrade Lambeu presented himself in the struggle for the land in 2014, he never was member of any coordination, under the command of comrade Del (in memory) he completed the issue of all lands of the old Lajeiro farm, was voluntary in the team of the Popular Court, active member of the Popular Assembly, contributor to the struggle for the land, he participated in the peasant resistance against evictions in the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco. He never complained on the difficulties, but always was the first one to offer himself for the struggle.
Despite being committed to the struggle and to the people, “very respectful and very helpful” as his comrades and friends remember, he had an addiction that accompanied him throughout his life and gradually destroyed him, alcoholism. Two months ago, he had several hospitalizations due to malnutrition and other illnesses caused by years of excessive alcohol consumption. Our comrade Lambeu’s vital force no longer allowed him to work or struggle, but his comrades in struggle never abandoned him.
On May 21, the peasant families of the Revolutionary Area Renato Natan organized cleaning tasks, of personal hygiene and food in the home of comrade Lambeu. Furthermore, they mobilized Health and Social Assistance departments to monitor the case. Even so, on the morning of May 24, an ambulance was called in a hurry and that night we received the sad news about his death.
Amid the heroic resistance of the Alagoas peasantry, against the reactionary forces of the extreme right, combating illegal evictions and other threats against the people, comrade Lambeu left us a legacy; There is no excuse for not rebelling for what is just.
Therefore, the regional commission of the League of Poor Peasants Northeast salutes the memory of comrade Lambeu, who always fought to fulfill the tasks entrusted to him and never failed to fulfill any of his commitments to the struggle. Without people like Comrade Lambeu. Living a simple life, there would never be victory for the Brazilian people. Because, “It is the masses who make history”.
Eternal salutes to comrade Lambeu!