Greece: campaign against the elections to the “European Parliament”

Featured image: demonstration in Athens against the “European Elections”. Source: Antigeitonies

Day after day more revolutionaries from several countries are joining the efforts against the “European Parliament” elections. Recently we have reported on actions carried out in several countries. In Greece the Comunist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) [KKE (m-l)] is carrying out a campaign against these elections.

On Monday, May, 27, in Chania, Crete it was held an event which gathered dozens of attendants. In this event were pointed out the reactionary nature of the European Union, and that it is an imperialist alliance and the necessity of struggle against it.

At the end of May, in Xylokastro, Corinthia, in the Peloponnese, were put up posters and leaflets were distributed.

Poster against the “European Elections”. Source: Antigeitonies

At the towns and villages around Karditsa, Thessaly, several activities have been held, such as set up stands, distribute leaflets, put up posters, hold conversations with residents and distribute newspapers, etc.

An event was held in Athens, by the Initiative “OUT OF THE EU – ABSTAIN FROM THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS”, which took place on Sunday, June 2, at Thissio. Among others, Partizan and AGEB were present, and a speech was held on behalf of AGEB, pointing out the EU is “essentially a union established around the interests of imperialist monopolies, and that it has a role that aims to ensure the continuity and increase the size of exploitation and plunder under the mask of democracy”. We already reported on the position of AGEB, which is to boycott the elections.

Afterwards a demonstration was held from Thissio to Monastiraki. The slogans that were heard denounced the country’s dependence on the shackles of the European and American imperialists, called on the people to massively abstain from the European elections and to strengthen their struggle against the policies which destroys their lives. During the event solidarity with the heroic people of Palestine was highlighted.

Hereby we share a video of the demonstration held:

We also received via e-mail some pictures of Dazibaos put up in Greece:

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