Spanish State: Mazón is a murderer, and all bourgeois politicians are accomplices. We will neither forget nor forgive.
We hereby share an unofficial translation of a statement by the Revolutionary Committee of València (CRV).
With infinite love for the people, from the Revolutionary Committee of Valencia we salute all the proletarians and masses who are working in solidarity in the tasks of support, cleaning and reconstruction of our city and our towns. We also want to express our deep regret to all those who have lost their beloved ones.
We cannot unconditionally love the people without hating its enemies, without feeling a deep class hatred to its oppressors. It was the management of bourgeois politicians, and not the DANA itself, that caused the huge torrent of deaths and disappearances on October 29 . They are criminals, real murderers. We will neither forget nor forgive.
Scientists of all kinds (geographers, climatologists…) warned about the danger of building infrastructure in natural ravines. The bourgeois politicians ignored them. Five days before the enormous flood that devastated everything, the AEMET [Translator’s note: State Meteorological Agency] warned about the danger. The bourgeois politicians ignored it. On the morning of October 29, the Valencia Provincial Council warned its staff of the danger and closed its work centers. Six hours later, six hours later! The civil alert message was sent to the population. In those six hours, hundreds of deaths already occurred. We will neither forget nor forgive.
Mazón is a murderer. Before October 29, he was personally in charge of dismantling public emergency services, particularly the Valencian UME [Translator’s note: whose actual name is UVE, Valencian Unit of Emergencies], which he had classified as a “beach bar” that was worthless. On October 29, he rejected the help of firefighters and emergency teams from other regional authorities. He refused to collaborate with other administrations. He did not mobilize the firefighters until much later. Consciously letting the masses die is murder! We call on the people to massively attend the mobilization next Saturday, November 9 at 18:00 on the main square of València to express clearly that Mazón is a murderer. We will neither forget nor forgive.
Mazón is where he is to manage the interests of the imperialists, he is a mere manager of the imperialist State. The orders to let the masses die makes clear that the mission of Mazón is to follow imperialist interests and not to help the people. He did not activate any emergency protocol until hours later, it is because of the false media war between PP [Translator’s note: the conservative party] and PSOE [Translator’s note: social-democratic party, head of the national government], that he did not ask for help from other regional authorities or the national government. The inter-bourgeois contradictions and the media circus of the electoral farce and bourgeois democracy! Mazón was more concerned about how the PP would look if he would ask for help to the PSOE. At that time PSOE and PP were boycotting each other and exchanging insults. This is how disgusting and criminal the circus around bourgeois democracy is. We will neither forget nor forgive.
Bourgeois politicians hide the real extent of the tragedy to avoid that it explodes in front of their faces. The bourgeois press (El País, ABC, El Mundo, Las Provincias, El Levante…) denies the biggest truth: there are still bodies trapped in the mud. They dare to insult the masses who apply solidarity with the sole purpose of covering up the tragedy. We will neither forget nor forgive.
The bourgeois State, the Spanish imperialist State, has shown what it is . The bourgeois politicians, who manage it, have shown what they are. We will contribute as we can to destroy them. We will neither forget nor forgive.
Revolutionary Committee of Valencia
November 1, 2024