Brazil: Police terror by the old State
In several incidents the repressive forces of the old Brazilian State headed by the false “left” president Lula da Silva harassed and tortured workers and masses of the people.
A Nova Democracia reports: In the early hours of Monday, December 9th, residents of Complexo da Maré were in a complete state of alert as a result of a police raid at a time of vast movement of residents.
Alessa Brasil Vitorino, 30 years old, a resident of the Complexo da Maré. was shot and killed in the confrontation. Alessa worked as an accountant at a company.
The declared objective of the operation was supposedly to combat car theft, however there are reports of home invasions and summary executions of people.
“A guy came into my house, two police officers followed and killed him here, in front of me and my husband, the body is here, I don’t know what to do about it, the body has been here since about 6 o’clock.” A resident reported.
Videos show police helicopters swooping down on places with a huge circulation of residents, demonstrating total disregard for the preservation of human life in favelas.
The official toll of the operation was three dead, 13 detained and the entire northern zone affected by the closures of the Avenida Brasil. This is the 42nd police operation in the Complexo da Maré this year. In total there have been 37 days without classes in the region and last Monday 42 schools were closed.
Earlier in several regions of São Paulo, military police officers harassed the people. They stamped on a driver’s head, beat an elderly woman and hanged a homeless man.
A video from the Campo Grande neighborhood, South Zone of São Paulo, shows an app driver having his head stamped on and then being asphyxiated by a military police officer. Being immobilized by one of the police officers during the approach, the driver also had his head stamped on by another police officer. This was witnessed by residents who shouted for the victim’s help. The driver’s wife herself witnessed the scene. “Stop, please, it’s my husband,” she cried, in horror. The police officer pointed the gun at the woman and responded in a threatening tone: “Get away, I won’t talk again.” The scene attracted outrage from several people at the scene. Some of them even said that the man lived in the region and denounced the crime.
On Saturday two police officers, tried to immobilize a homeless man, kicked and choked him and brought him on the ground. A city hall employee screams in desperation: “Look at this. The man is doing nothing. He wasn’t doing anything. … They’re hanging him. Look. No guys, this can’t happen”
On Wednesday a 63-year-old woman was attacked with punches and kicks by military police officers in the garage of her home, in the municipality of Barueri. More than a dozen military police officers invaded the woman’s house, without authorization from the court, after her son and grandson entered. Videos recorded by family members and neighbors who witnessed the violence show the woman with a bloody face. She is pushed and kicked by a police officer while another choked her son. Finally, the elderly woman is handcuffed by the police and taken into their van.
In yet another incident a video shows a woman being beaten by police officers on Monday the 2nd, in the Parque Santo Antônio neighborhood, in southern São Paulo. The woman on the ground is hit by kicks and punches from the police. She tries to resist and a police officer choked to suffocate her.