La Cause du Peuple – Ceasefire in Gaza: victory for the Palestinian National Resistance!
Below we share an unofficial translation of an article published by La Cause du Peuple of France:
We share below the analysis communicated by the Unified National Bureau of the organizations Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire and Jeunes Révolutionnaires on the recent ceasefire in Gaza.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
“Gaza will never raise the white flag of capitulation. Neither the Zionists nor any other criminal force will ever succeed in breaking the will of the resistance in Gaza.” Georges Abdallah, February 2024
“This war has no clear objective and it is obvious that we are losing it,” said former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak in an interview with Israeli public radio on May 18, 2024
What assessment should we draw from this ceasefire and the Al-Aqsa Flood in general?
More than a year after the Al-Aqsa Flood, we now have the necessary perspective to formulate an in-depth analysis. First of all, we affirm that the Al-Aqsa Flood cannot recede, it is still present and will be present until the liberation of all of Palestine. The Flood will appear to us in its depth and force in the years to come, and we will understand its historical magnitude for Palestine, the Arab world and the World Proletarian Revolution in the future.
The Palestinian national liberation forces led by Hamas succeeded in counteracting the plans of the imperialists and in shaking the US hegemony, they retook the initiative and overthrew, definitively, the Oslo Accords of 1993. Capitulation is no longer on the agenda, and the national liberation movement is now mostly united around the need for armed struggle. This movement is led by Hamas but also followed by all the factions of the resistance.
It is the voice of the masses and the demand for liberation that is transmitted with every bullet that comes out of a rifle. The line of capitulation carried by Fatah and the PLO through the Palestinian Authority is now in the minority.
The Al-Aqsa Flood also made it possible to foil the Zionists’ plans whose aim was to annihilate the Resistance by decapitating it through the assassination of all its leaders and cadres, during a major operation planned in Gaza by the end of 2024. October 7 also made it possible to stop the plans to Judaize the Al-Aqsa Mosque by restoring it and its sacred status quo. In addition, as a remarkable and central fact, the prisoners’ topic was put back on the table and reopened. More generally, this operation made it possible to revive the resistance and, above all, to put the Palestinian cause back on the international agenda. These are the objectives of this war, of this battle. This great tactical counteroffensive of the Palestinian Resistance is a just and legitimate response to the Zionist occupation; and it is always good to remember that where there is oppression, there is resistance. Further proof, if we may need it, is that the Palestinian Resistance has chosen its path, that of arms, and will never surrender them. A relentless illustration that there is no liberation possible outside of revolutionary war.
Internationally, Israel has revealed its true and gruesome genocidal face that no gay pride in Tel Aviv will be able to erase. The imperialist powers: the United States at the head, followed by the old powers of France, Germany and England are once again recognized for what they are: monsters that, to maximize their profits, create rivers of blood flow leaving only suffering and death in their wake. A stage has definitely been reached and there is no turning back, the masses will not forget all these atrocities nor those who financed them.
The myth of the invincibility of Israel, of its iron dome, of its shock troops is today crushed into pieces. The glorious combatants of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Al-Quds Brigades, the Abu Ali Mustafa Martyr Brigades and all the other combatants of the West Bank brigades and the Lebanese Hezbollah inflicted a bitter lesson on them. Despite the unrestricted US support, despite the more than 200,000 probable deaths in Gaza, the widespread destruction, the starvation, the blockade, the drones, the torture, the masses support their combatants and protect them with their bodies allowing the fedayeen to deal painful blows to the Zionist army.
By applying the military principles of a People’s War, waging guerrilla warfare, conducting a war of attrition, while maintaining strong political pressure at the international level, the resistance can only be invincible, and for every martyr fallen with weapons in hand, 100 new ones rise. This is reminiscent of Vietnam’s national liberation war, which lasted more than 30 years, and that of Algeria, where despite military setbacks, the masses rose up to drive out the last colonists. These military battles created a favorable situation for the Resistance at the political level. Political advances or setbacks are decided on the battlefield, and negotiations and all talks depend on the situation on the ground. It is therefore the military battles that allow political progress and the establishment of situations that allow the consolidation and development of the Resistance.
The objectives of the war were to destroy the “Gaza division” of the Israeli occupation forces and the military sites near the settlements around Gaza, while capturing Israeli soldiers and civilians. The objectives of the war, more global targets, which are targeted through the military operation, were discussed previously. The targets in the war are used to achieve the objectives of the war.
These objectives were achieved thanks to the fierce resistance of the combatants. This is where the dialectic between the military aspect and the political aspect lies, but the military is at the heart of politics, solemnly it allows to resolve the imperialist contradiction. The main contradiction today in Palestine is between the Palestinian nation and imperialist Zionism, Israel, supported by the United States. The heart of this contradiction can only be resolved completely within the military arena, through a protracted war of national liberation.
If Israeli society was already weakened by its internal divisions, particularly after a great wave of protests against the judicial reform that the Israeli government wanted to implement in 2023, today it is even more deeply divided. The Israeli secret services, its army and its internal security were deeply destabilized by the October 7 attack. The issue of the management of Israeli prisoners (the “hostages”) also contributed to this loss of confidence in the government and its institutions.
Indeed, society realizes that Netanyahu, already on trial for corruption, has done everything possible to use his unlimited power to continue the war to the detriment of the health and lives of Israeli prisoners captured by the Palestinian Resistance. It is in this context that huge demonstrations took place to demand the signing of a cease-fire and an exchange of hostages with the Resistance, gathering millions of Israelis in total. Moreover, following Hezbollah’s action in Lebanon, more than 70% of the members of the northern settlements bordering Lebanon do not feel safe and do not dare to return peacefully to their settlements in December 2024, and this situation continues today. We are talking about tens of thousands of settlers. All of this, because of October 7, will bring about the end of the myth of Israel as a nation state where Jews around the world can feel safe. Tens of thousands of Israelis have left occupied Palestine, in addition to a drop in the number of settlers traveling to Israel each month. Soldiers’ families, worried about their loved ones and angered by the numerous deaths, joined this movement to challenge the government in addition to the war itself. The guerrilla war wears down the bodies and minds of Israeli soldiers who are increasingly suffering from mental disorders and no longer dare to return to the front lines, not to mention the amputees and the dead. Due to military censorship we cannot give precise figures, but the wounded, both amputees and mentally, represent several tens of thousands of soldiers. When the internal situation calms down, the great schism that is developing in Israeli society will deepen.
Hitting Tel Aviv today is as easy for the Palestinian and Arab Resistance as drinking a glass of water, so let us make sure that the future is bright and let us have confidence in the Palestinian people and their heroic Resistance.
Some might retort that 200,000 Gazans have been exterminated, that Gaza is a huge pile of rubble and that life there seems impossible. We could say that the fronts in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran were closed and this before the cease-fire. We could say that Syria, the rearguard of the National Resistance at the regional level, is overrun and balkanized and that Israel is doing its best to isolate Palestine from the other Arab peoples. We could say that, despite its heroism, proud Yemen alone cannot be enough to radically change the equation, although it maintains economic and psychological pressure, forcing millions of settlers to regularly go to shelters, and that its hypersonic missiles hit Tel Aviv and military sites hard.
We respond to this by saying that change does not come from outside but from within. That the proud Palestinian combatants have neither laid down their arms nor capitulated and have initiated a necessary political change by restoring a strong momentum for the continuation of their struggle. Resisting Gaza, the heart of the Palestinian people’s national liberation struggle, will rise again as it has always risen. The Palestinians will never surrender their weapons, and that is a fact to be understood and welcomed. Despite all the hardships of this genocide, who tries by all means to masquerade itself, of the oldest colonial occupation dating back to the 20th century, despite the betrayals and misdirections, the resistance still carries the rifle high in one hand and the Palestinian flag in the other and will surely never surrender them to the occupier.
It was during this battle, which will not be the final one, that all factions met in Beijing to establish a government of national unity. It was during this war that it was possible to move towards a new unity, to give a new impetus to the PLO, the only national and unitary frame of reference for all Palestinians. The war gave birth to the United Front of National Resistance, it is also the one which reveals the true directions and which incorporates the broad masses. It will be up to this future government to destroy the Palestinian Authority in its present form and role. It will have to destroy the security coordination between the PLO and Israel, but certainly this bastard child of the PLO that is the Palestinian Authority, which has not fired a single bullet against Israel but many against the resistance, has entered a new era, which is the era of its end. Everything shows that the PA is a creation of imperialism-Zionism to try to make Zionist policy a problem that is also “inter-Palestinian”. This “Authority” is armed by Israel and therefore by the US, its role is to provide the main police force in Palestine on behalf of the Zionists. It is the worthy heir of all the puppet governments set up by the imperialists to administer the plunder and colonization of the land at the expense of the masses, mainly peasants, of the colonies. Its recent attacks against the refugee camps in the West Bank, its arming by Israel to try, in a vain hope, to put an end to the Resistance in the camps, are only a proof of the deep crisis that this “Authority” is going through and the people less and lesser accept this collaboration. Proof of this are the demonstrations of support from the residents of Jenin in the face of the cowardly attack by the Palestinian Authority on the Jenin camp. Certainly the Palestinian Authority will not be able to put an end to the Resistance, just like Israel, because as long as there are Palestinians, the Resistance will exist and the weapons will roar for liberation.
Hamas and the other factions of the Resistance, throughout the war, very firmly rejected the entry of any force into Gaza in the various post-war scenarios mentioned, whether Arab or international, and declared that they would consider it an occupying force. The resistance refuses to be enslaved and subjected to a foreign power and shows us that far from fantasies and falsehoods, the resistance factions, regardless of their ideologies, are first and foremost national resistance organizations!
The fact of not having surrendered its weapons allows the Resistance to win this battle with its head held high and to put an end to the aggression under the same conditions as at the beginning, inflicting a rebuff and a historic defeat on Zionism. Including a total withdrawal from Gaza, including the Netzarim Corridor and the Rafah crossing, a massive prisoner exchange in favor of the Resistance and the reconstruction of Gaza. In fact, humanitarian aid will be able to circulate freely and Gazans will return to the North without risk. Of course, the colonization is not over and the resistance will have to remain vigilant for the strict implementation of the ceasefire and to protect itself against likely future sporadic Israeli attacks.
We must not and cannot separate the situation in Palestine from the global situation. The Oslo Accords signed in 1993 are part of the great counter-revolutionary counter-offensive led by the imperialists, with the U.S. at the lead, against the revolutionary peoples and organizations around the world at the end of the 20th century. The socialist camp no longer existed and the revolutionary camp was very weakened. But this was not yet the final battle for imperialism. Since the beginning of the 21st century, with an acceleration since 2008, we have experienced an increase in crises and people’s uprisings. The revolutionary and anti-imperialist camp is experiencing growth today, and certainly the Palestinian combatants are its spearhead and torchbearers.
The Palestinian Resistance knew how to analyze correctly the epoch by understanding that imperialism was entangled in its contradictions, that the war of aggression of Russian imperialism on Ukraine monopolized much strength for the U.S. and NATO, and that the masses all over the world were ready to rise up. October 7 was that spark that turned the Palestinian Resistance into a torch for the oppressed during the night of imperialism.
In the face of this action of the Resistance, the imperialists must now adapt their plans for distribution and redistribution in the Middle East. The example of the economic blockade by the military force of the Houthies in Yemen also forces the imperialists to reorganize their economic circuits. We see that when the masses rise up, the imperialists falter, that is why the way forward is clear and bright!
All the reactionary Arab states that have normalized their relations with Israel, thus forming a protective shield for the latter, will see their throne built on the oppression of their people and their complicity with the colonization of Palestine weakened. Certainly, the Arab peoples will never forget the role played by their State, or rather its lack of role, its passivity. The flowers of the next massive uprisings, of the next Arab Spring, are growing today in the tunnels of Gaza and will affect the entire Arab world.
Palestine today is the center of the World Proletarian Revolution and cannot win all at once. As Hezbollah said, “We will not be able to wipe out Israel by a single salvo of missiles.” But by combining guerrilla warfare, armed strikes and sabotages, by entangling Israel in its internal contradictions and by increasingly mobilizing, politicizing and organizing the peasant masses for liberation, while developing regional alliances and relying on the vast global anti-imperialist movement, certainly the Palestinian people will defeat and destroy the State of Israel. This midst the ashes and bullets, midst the rivers of blood of the Palestinian people. These people learned a lot from the Fedayeen struggle, from the traditional military struggle of the Arab states followed by the 1967 defeat, from the disunity of the factions, and today they have a rich heritage.
More than ever, the only road to liberation is that of a People’s War of national liberation, of a protracted nature, relying mainly on the peasant masses, the refugee camps and organizing the New Power base by base. This development is possible because the resistance has not given up arms, from the fire of this battle will emerge the forces and concepts necessary for the development of the Palestinian national liberation struggle, which must now take a leap.
The importance of Palestine to imperialism means that a life and death struggle is underway between Israel and the Palestinians. Territorial partition agreements are ultimately not possible, and although they could be the result of a tactical agreement, both Israel and the Resistance know that this struggle to the death cannot tolerate two states side by side. Even the revisionists and pseudo-revolutionaries can no longer hide behind this fairy tale of a two-state solution, and we are now witnessing the presentation of a proposed “solution” in the form of a “binational, secular, workers’ state”. But the facts speak, and this struggle to the death will ultimately lead to a Palestinian State in all of historic Palestine, free of settlers and Zionists, then it will be up to the Palestinian people and no one else to choose its mode of governance, as well as its representatives and leaders.
On an even larger scale, we understand the Al-Aqsa Flood as one of the main components, one of the heralds of the new era, the one in which the peoples once again attack the imperialist citadels, and where incessant, ever stronger waves will rise until imperialism is overthrown.
This great worlwide anti-imperialist movement, which responded to the call of the Resistance, for the victory of the latter and not for peace, is rich in experiences that must now be transformed into a collective and conscious force. We must continue to develop this great World Anti-Imperialist Front, which is just at the beginning of its construction and battles. Palestine will not be the last genocide, the last war against the poor and the peasants. It is up to us to use this gift of the Palestinian Resistance to fight for the liberation and emancipation of all.
In France, it is up to us to continue to unite, far from the chapel wars and electoral shenanigans, because no doubt the resistance, after having reorganized itself, will storm the sky again and we will experience other grandiose waves of the Al-Aqsa Flood. It is up to us to launch a major movement in defense of Palestine, to continue our support, to denounce the genocidal criminals and to continue to support the Palestinian national liberation struggle that did not end with the cease-fire. We have been able to develop major national battle plans and we must draw inspiration from these successes to develop our weight against the French state, a direct collaborator of the genocidals that is Israel. The example of the Unitarian Campaign for Liberation of Georges Abdallah, which knew how to unite, coordinate and develop this great Tactical Front, is an example that we must follow, and this desire is shared by the majority of the sincere supporters of Palestine. Only together will we win.
Certainly, the situation in Palestine will undergo a phase of reorganization, of restructuring, but the future is already in preparation and the West Bank, the next central front, is in crisis. The children of the genocide in Gaza cannot be pacifists, in a world free of colonization and oppression, we would like them to be poets, but unfortunately this will not be the case today. As Abu Obeida said, this generation of steel will be the biggest strategic setback the occupation will experience after some time. Out of these ashes and destruction will be born a new generation of combatants. There was the generation of the Nakba, the generation of stones and Intifadas, the generation of October 7, and soon the generation of liberation, because the weapons have not been surrendered and never will be!
The Unified National Bureau bows its flags in tribute to the Palestinian National Resistance, to the Palestinian people, as well as to all the Arab brothers and sisters who died and fell fighting on the road to Jerusalem, for their contribution to the Palestinian national liberation struggle.
The Unified National Bureau orders all its activists to redouble their zeal in their work to defend Palestine and to work even more deeply among the masses to spread the liberation struggle, the anti-imperialist struggle of our Palestinian brothers and sisters and to draw inspiration from them for our own struggle.
We mourn the martyrs, and renew our commitment as revolutionaries not to stop struggling, until the Palestinian flag flies over all the cities of Palestine, all Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital, and until Abu Obeida announces to us that the country is free!
“We are here to stay, in our territory, in our hearts and in the future of our children. I recommend you to take care of Palestine, of the land I loved to death and of the dream I carried on my shoulder like a mountain that does not bend. If I fall, do not fall with me, carry for me the flag that has never fallen, and make of my blood a bridge over which will cross a generation that will be born from our ashes, stronger. Remember that the homeland is not a story to tell, but a truth to live, and that for every martyr, from the womb of this land are born a thousand fighters of resistance. If the Flood came again and I was not among you, know that I was only the first drop in the waves of freedom and that I lived to see you complete the journey. It will be a thorn in your throat, a deluge that will not recede and will not abate until the world recognizes that we are the holders of the Right and that we are not statistics in their newsletters.”
Yahya Sinwar, October 2024
Palestine will live and win!
Down with imperialism and Zionism!
National Bureau of the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire and Jeunes Révolutionnaires