Brazil: AND Editorial – The old Order in Panic
We hereby share an unofficial translation of the latest Editorial published by A Nova Democracia.
The rebellion on the streets of Porto Velho and in other cities of Rondônia (RO) expresses the seriousness of the military crisis which is going through the bowels of the old Brazilian society. The government, at all the levels of the Country, is facing crisis of legitimacy as well as of authority, and its military police troops, thirsty of the blood of the poor people, have not enough applying the current reactionary law: they apply terror. This is what occurs in the neighborhood Orgulho do Madeira, at the Eastern area of the capital of RO. The seriousness of a situation which for decades was practically restricted to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo now is extending towards the entire country.
The responsibility of such worsening is neither because of the “impunity” itself, however it might be brazen, nor because of the lack of rigorous laws, since Brazil has the third biggest world imprisoned population, ahead of India (both in absolute as well as in relative numbers). Such chaotic situation is the result of the mass and indiscriminate imprisonment policy on poor and black people, above all on the youth, in overcrowded prisons which are making nothing else than reproduce the social decomposition of the detained masses, and as a reaction to that, the creation of organizations for the self-defense of minimum and elemental rights of the human condition and for their own survival. The mass imprisonment is a counter-insurgent policy, which goal is to neutralize a variable mass, mandatorily increasing in its numbers of poor people, which will not participate in the productive process of bureaucratic capitalism and of a system of demoniac exploitation and oppression. The reactionary and genocidal old Brazilian State, as a guard of such system, is the creator of the so-called “crisis of public security” and is so by political choice.
The situation of chaotic appearance, is not restricted to the delinquency, but also it extends to the so-called Three Powers, with the Planalto Palace as its head. The controversy surrounding the monitoring of ‘Pix’ by the Federal Revenue was a reflection of two elements: first, the “information war” action by the far right, which bombarded with lies about the measure; and secondly, from a fair feeling of dissatisfaction among the masses, who knew that greater monitoring of Pix would result in greater income tax collection from those who earn more than R$ 5,000. The government made a mistake in its political calculation: with its approval the support of the government fell, trying to increase cash collection in this way could only result in defeat – all the more so when, for the broad public and mass opinion, on the right or those identified with the left, everyone would reject it, because they see, every day, public funds being swallowed by politicians of the Congress and other “authorities” in indecent caste and class privileges.
In order to approve the measures which interests him, Luiz Inácio needs funds; there is a big amount which is kidnapped by the “centrão” in great extent by the Bolsonarist group, and what is left, is kidnapped by the “tax adjustment”, approved by Luiz Inácio himself, as a collar which end is firmly subjected by the hand of the financial oligarchy. The head of the right wing coalition government, the turn government, has no other option than to resign himself to electorally sink, bled and electorally and politically affected by the right wing and the establishment forces; or, he can approve his electoral projects in order to seek for more approval, seek to increase tax collection and thus, worn out definitely the people’s masses. This is the sad fate of the bourgeois left which heads the turn government, on its knees before the financial oligarchy, latifundium and imperialist subjugation of the Nation.
The death of the peasants Valdir Nascimento and Gleison Barbosa in an armed clash in the Olga Benário Camp, in Tremembé, SP, in last week, is very sad. At the beginning, the facts, as they were presented, seemed to be an action by Bolsonarist far right paramilitary groups due to their recurrent practice, but the development of the researches, especially the witnesses and statements of the involved people, demonstrate that the occurred was a typical phenomena of “masses against masses”, provoked by the aspiration of the squatters for the property of the land, on the one hand, and the contradictions which this sharpens with the MST leadership or part of it on the other hand; or on the method used in handling. In an interview with a YouTube channel, the national leadership of MST, regarding this episode and speaking on those accused of having shot and murdered the two members of the movement in PA INCRA Olga Benário, stated the following: “We did a clean sweep”, confirming that it was the forceful expulsion of peasants that caused the attack and the deaths.
It is a fact, peasant self-defense is strictly necessary against goons hired by latifundium, mainly the Bolsonarist far right paramilitaries (among them, more and more agents of the State as goons). However, in this case, the proves reveal that what occurred was the result of the revolt against the ban by the MST leadership of selling the lands, and forcefully expelling those who did not agree with the measure. Valdir itself was presented by the MST leadership, in a press release, as a “reference in the resistance to the selling of the lands”. One of the detained by the police due to his involvement in the murder of Valdir, says that he did not agree with the MST leadership, he wanted to sell his land and he was expelled by force of the area. The MST line, against the entitlement of the lands of the “Settlement Projects” of the old State, is to handle the selling of lands as an antagonistic contradiction and to apply repression on those who do not follow that, what means to apply a policy of putting masses against masses, in practice throwing the expelled people against the new squatters, who receive the lands in this conflict by the movement. The tragic outcome is a military consequence of the erroneous political line, which is based on an authoritarian imposition on a matter of bourgeois law of the old State as a method of handling with the peasantry and on violence as a method of resolving contradictions within the people. After all, if the peasants struggle for the democratization of land ownership, why forbid them selling it and, moreover, why expel them with violence?
The tactical ceasefire imposed by the Palestinian National Resistance, with its terms and conditions and without giving up any of its goals, is a firm defeat of the Zionist strategic plan. There is no doubt about that. For Israel, the agreement is “catastrophic” and “dangerous for the security of the State”, and who said so were two ministers of the Nazi-Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu government. “Hamas protracted the negotiations to maximize its advantages”, stated the former chief of the Zionist military intelligence. There are disagreements among the genocidaires. To hell with all these bastards!
In fact, the Palestinian National Resistance formalizes its successes in the battlefield, and for Zionism and the genocidal government, which is interested in a quick victory, the unconditional withdrawal of its troops and the prisoners exchange supposes a great harm. The strategic objective of Zionism in the current genocidal campaign, being, as all its defenders claim, “to destroy Hamas” – that means, the Resistance -, and recover unconditionally the prisoners of war, completely failed and this raises the internal and international political cost for the maintenance of apartheid and the imperialist and colonial occupation. It is not without reason that the own heads of Yankee imperialism, Joe Biden and Donald Trum, both claim as their victory this ceasefire, attempting to get rid off the political harm which is causing the continuation of the genocidal campaign by Netanyahu. For the Palestinian masses, this military and political conquer is a proof of the path of the armed struggle of national resistance and will result in a further and deeper ties between the Resistance guerrillas and the deepest and broadest masses of the Palestinian people, besides to reinforce the alliance of the United Front of the revolutionary classes, with the purge of lackeys and sellouts of the bureaucratic and failed “Palestinian Authority”.