More actions in commemoration of İbrahim Kaypakkaya
A rally for the communist leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya in Frankfurt in Main, Germany, gathered wide participation from different organizations. Source: Dem Volke Dienen
In Frankfurt am Main an internationalist rally was held on the 18th of May to mark the 50th anniversary of the founder of the TKP/ML, communist leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya giving his life after months of torture by the old State. Partizan held a speech commemorating Kaypakkaya and other martyrs of the revolution in Turkey, as well as other immortal leaders of the international proletariat, like Chairman Gonzalo, Charu Mazumdar and Jose Maria Sison among others. They emphasized the role of Kaypakkaya as leader of the international proletariat in Turkey, and as a representative of the world proletarian revolution in Turkey, as well as him being the guide for the New Democratic Revolution, Socialism, representing the consciousness and flag to fight for the revolutionaries today, against reformism, parliamentary-cretinism and liquidation.

The event was organized by Partizan and other organizations from many countries also participated. A contingent of revolutionaries from France took part with a banner reading ”Long Live the Communist Leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya! – Drapeau Rouge” and held a speech emphasizing the role of Kaypakkaya for the revolution in Turkey and for the TKP/ML. Also activists from the Netherlands took part, and a greeting from the Maoist Committee in Finland was read. The Red League from Germany also participated, holding a information stand and distributing leaflets, as well as held a speech.
The German police was present at the scene with riot gear, but the rally could continue without issues.

In Çorum, Turkey, Partizan held a commemoration event at the grave of Kaypakkaya. A statement by Partizan was read, highlighting that despite the attempt of the old State to destroy the revolution by murdering Kaypakkaya and other leaders, they live on in the struggle and Kaypakkaya still is at the forefront of the revolution, with his contributions achieved by applying the experiences of the international proletariat to the conditions in Turkey. Slogans against fascism and for Kaypakkaya were shouted and marches and songs were sung.

In Istanbul, a large banner was unfolded in the neighborhood of Küçükköy.
In many European cities banners signed by the TKP/ML were put up with the slogan “On the 50th anniversary of his murder İbrahim Kaypakkaya is still the leader of the revolution!” in different languages.

Innsbruck, Austria

Liege, Belgium

Vienna, Austria

Zürich, Switzerland

Biel, Switzerland

Den Haag, the Netherlands

Reims, France
The campaign for the anniversary will be culminated in the international symposium held in Vienna 27.5.-28.5.