The international symposium for İbrahim Kaypakkaya was held with a strong internationalist spirit
The founder of the TKP/ML, the communist leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya, who gave his life for revolution 50 years ago, was commemorated with an international symposium and a march in Vienna, Austria. International delegations from Turkey, Brazil, Peru, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Finland, Colombia, Germany, Austria, Philippines and France took part to the event.
On the first day of the symposium a march took place on the streets of Vienna. A large banner with the picture of Kaypakkaya was carried in the front line, and countless Partizan and ICL flags followed.

With great enthusiasm, slogans like “Our Leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya”, “Long Live International Solidarity”, “Long Live Our Party TKP/ML, TİKKO, TMLGB”, “Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Viva, Viva, Viva!” were shouted. After greetings, the participants moved to the location of the symposium.

The symposium started with the Internationale and a minute of silence for those who have given their life for the revolution and communism. Then the message of the central committee of the TKP/ML was read and greeted with great excitement by the audience. After this the first session of the symposium started, with presentations on the international importance of Kaypakkaya from Turkey, Germany, Peru, Brazil, Finland, Spain, Colombia and Austria.
The historical conditions in which Kaypakkaya formed his revolutionary line and the role of Maoism were highlighted, and regarding this it was mentioned that also Chairman Gonzalo, Charu Mazumdar and Jose Maria Sison who similarly led the parties in their respective countries to the path of the People’s War, went through the same process. This process was marked by the struggle against revisionism and reformism, and Kaypakkaya drew a strong line in this question. After his death, his ideas were defended by his successors in an active struggle, and TKP/ML persisted on the line of the revolutionary struggle to this day against all attacks, following the line of Kaypakkaya.
The first day ended with the music performance of the Zen Erbane group.

On the second day, the message of the ICL was read. This message, too, was greeted enthusiastically by the audience, who chanted the slogan ”Long live proletarian internationalism!” After this, the second session of the symposium was held under the title ”GPCR (Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), the Communist Leaders It Created and the Struggle Against Modern Revisionism” with presentations from Turkey, Germany, Peru, Brazil, Finland, Spain, Colombia, Philippines, Austria and France.
In the presentations, the influence which the ”Great Debate” launched by Chairman Mao and the Communist Party of China had on other communist parties in the world and how the struggle against revisionism was correctly implemented by Chairman Gonzalo in Peru, by Kaypakkaya in Turkey, by Sison in the Philippines and by Mazumdar in India. This anti-revisionist process created its own leaders and led to the initiation of People’s Wars in these countries. It was emphasized that all these leaders took a strong position against modern revisionism. The symposium ended with the slogans ”Long live international solidarity!” and ”Long live People’s War!” and slogans for İbrahim Kaypakkaya.
Ahead of the symposium, multiple international actions for Kaypakkaya took place.
In Finland and Austria, the poster of the symposium was distributed.

In Ecuador, the Front of the Defense of the Struggles of the People of Ecuador organized an series of events under the slogan “Eternal Honor and Glory to İbrahim Kaypakkaya!”. Posters were also distributed with the text ”İbrahim Kaypakkaya giving his life in combat 50 years”

In Aydınlı, Aydos and Sarıgazi neighborhoods of Istanbul Partizan called for struggle against fascist attacks with posters with the slogan ”Our liberation is revolution, our flag is İbrahim”.

In Helsinki, Finland, posters were spread for the 50th anniversary of İbrahim Kaypakkaya giving his life.