Chile: More actions against the anti-occupation law

Banners in Santiago against the anti-occupation law. Source: Periódico El Pueblo

During all June neighborhood organizations have been making actions to stop the anti-occupation law in Chile. This law, that currently is being debated in the Congress, will allow to criminalize the occupation of the land and buildings, criminalizing working class families that cannot afford a house and the indigenous people, that try to take back their legitimate lands. We have written about this law and how it affects the Chilean people previously.

Banners have been hanged in different cities to protest against the anti-occupation law. Some of the slogans were “No to the anti-occupation law”, “it is right to rebel!” or “No to the criminalizing of the ones without house”.

Several protests have also been carried out in the streets to stop the law. The government is obviously going to fail with their promise to build 250,000 more houses as promised by the House Emergency Plan (HEP), at the same time as protests for it occur.

2nd June. Rally for the HEP. Source: Periódico El Pueblo

2nd June. Neighborhood of the Luna Bella’s Community of Pudahuel denounced that groups of thugs try to expel them of the occupied lands. Source: Periódico El Pueblo

There has been also rallies by Fuerza de Pobladores Chile demanding land to live on. Source: Periódico El Pueblo

13th June. Manifestation to demand a real solution on the house problem. Source: Periódico El Pueblo
15th June. Families of the camp Lajarilla de Reñaca Alto de Viña del Mar demand solutions for housing. Source: Periódico El Pueblo

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