Chile: Peasant protest in the Mataquito Valley
Featured image: Caravan of tractors blocking route J-60. Source Prensa Chiripilko
We publish an unofficial translation of the report done by Prensa Chiripilko published here
The day of this July 13 was marked by an important mobilization of poor and middle peasants and field workers from the sectors of Villa Prat (Sagrada Familia commune), Huaquén (Curepto commune) La Huerta (Hualañé commune) and other sectors that, after the floods due to the overflowing of the Mataquito river, saw the loss of their crops, homes, animals and work tools for agriculture.
Gathering in the main square of Villa Prat, the peasants gathered and occupied the main street with their tractors, horses and their feet. The walk culminated in the crossing of the La Huerta bridge with the J-60 route.

The demand is fair and clear: Urgent economic help is required to replace the lost crops and the elements destroyed by the water.
Talking with the masses who actively participated, the action was considered a complete success, since it managed to unite dozens of peasants from the indicated sectors under the same demand. The protest had a very emotional character and was extremely significant.

In fact, such was the magnitude that some authorities were forced to appear, such as Senator Ximena Rincón (former Christian Democracy), Deputy Hugo Rey (National Renewal) and they even met with regional governor Cristina Bravo (Christian Democracy).
Regarding the appearance of these politicians, many feel mistrust or suspicion since they consider that they always come promising solutions, giving “sedatives” and trying to please the people, but at the same time they forget about the people and their demands. The protesters report that “as peasants we are on the ground, but we will fight to get ahead with our work, we do not want any more lies. There is nothing more horrible than deluding an injured person”
The protests could resume next Tuesday. The call to the people of the towns is to support and thank those who already support the fight. The other call is not to trust the electoral politicians, to take the direction of the movement independently and not give up until the demands are conquered.