AND: Weekly Editorial – The Owners of Power continue to win
We publish an unofficial translation of this article of A Nova Democracia published on their webpage.
All the democrats and true progressives are concerned about the advance of the “Marco Temporal” [Translator’s note: Time frame, law which denies the claims of indigenous peoples on their ancestral lands] law at the Commission of the Agrarian Reform and Agriculture of the Chamber of Deputies. Even if we don’t except nothing from that Congress of corrupts, it is obvious that the “Democratic Rule of Law” in Brazil is willing to bury 523 years of genocide and deny five centuries of theft of indigenous lands by the Portuguese invaders and after them, also by the privileged Brazilian lords of lands and slaves, as well as their descendants and beneficiaries, today big landlords known by the nickname of “agribusiness”.
Those who has always ruled the Country continue to do so. It was not enough the R$ 364 billions that they obtained from Luiz Inácio through the Safra Plan, the big landlords also want the indigenous lands in addition to the public lands they already have. The current government try to manipulates reality by creating the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, leaded by an indigenous, but without the benefits of delimitation and ratification of land. But, was not the elected government who was going to sweep the Bolsonarists setbacks? But what other thing could did, those who hid and did everything to demobilize the struggle of the people for four years during the military and genocidal misrule of Bolsonaro. And those who in order to be elected, made a pact with the devil and they will fulfill the agreements with the Congress and with the latifundio. Once again, the indigenous people fell in the “petista” trap, but this time with a discredited PT, it was PSOL [Translator’s note: Partido Socialismo e Liberdade, historical trotskist party of Brazil, due to their support to Lula] who infiltrated within the indigenous people. The PSOL lied to the indigenous people in order to make them to trust in Luiz Inácio again. The betrayal came fast, being the Minister Guajajara only a decoration in the government.
As always, everything happens after being elected as president, very well paid for entertain his audience – regardless of its intentions -, pretending that every change is simply achieved with the result of the polls, in order to remain everything as always it was. This is a truth, not only for the indigenous issue.
After January 8th and the subsequent investigations, much is being said about a change of mind against Bolsonaro and the coup. Many violent insults and adjectives are attributed precisely to former president. But there is no one in STF [Translator’s note: Supreme Federal Court] or in the government who dares to say anything against the active generals that are in the High Command regarding their participation in the coup’s agitation. Or did they forget that it was this High Command, the same generals who are there today, who met in November 2022 after the defeat of Bolsonaro to discuss the possibility of a military intervention at that time? (Which is already a crime, they simply did not consume their coup desires for the veto of Uncle Sam). Instead of an investigation, the generals will receive from Luiz Inácio through the new PAC [Translator’s note: Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, a big program of infrastructure building], almost R$ 53 billion to invest in “national defense projects” – war devices that are used against the people, in the favelas and in countryside. In fact, the generals also received amnesty from STF. They will not receive any punishment and they are encouraged for the conviction that no one of the political “dome” will challenge them in their position of “moderator power” through blackmail and threats.
The harsh truth is that everything is as before, with just new characters which encourages the reaction temporary and superficially. The owners of the power – the local ruling classes of big bourgeois and big landlords, servile to imperialism, mainly to Yankee imperialism – are immune to the elections that only change the manager on duty. The masses, and only the masses standing in the struggle for their demands and under the direction of the proletarian revolutionary vanguard in struggle for power, can definitively end this vicious circle of oppression and exploitation.