Mexico: Those who die for life cannot be called dead!

We publish an unofficial translation of the statement of Corriente del PuebloSol Rojo on the tribute to the comrades who fell during the struggle for the Revolution.

Like every year, our democratic organization paid tribute to our comrades who are no longer physically with us but who have left their legacy of struggle and revolutionary courage. All of them, men and women, have returned to the land of which they were children, and now they are the seed that germinates in new generations raising the flag of the New Democracy Revolution.

Our event of lights of the traditional altar and tapete in tribute to those who fought alongside the people has taken place in the heart of Rebelling Oaxaca as planned, even despite the fact that the Morenista government of Martínez Neri, upon seeing the flags of Palestine, tried to prevent its realization through the municipal police.

Who can prohibit the rising of dawn?

To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather. ”…

With that phrase from Chairman Mao our event started; dozens of red flags rose in the wind.

The call was divided into two periods.

First, in honor of the comrades who were riddled by the regime’s murderous bullets:

  • Faustino Acevedo Bailón (4th May 2006) Present!
  • Alfredo Errestre Vásquez (13th October 2007) Present!
  • Rosalino Díaz Barrera (31st January 2008) Present!
  • Paulino Salud Lándiz (4th May 2009) Present!
  • Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino “Comandante Gato” (11th April 2019) Present!
  • Jesús Manuel García Martínez “Chu Pau” (27th October 2022) Present!
  • Félix Vicente Cruz (13th April 2023) Present!

Second, in honor of comrades who died due to illness, natural causes or work accidents:

  • Fernando Meraz (24th August 2016) Present!
  • Jorge Alberto Hernández Jiménez (22th April 2018) Present!
  • Javier López Martínez “Comandante Rojo” (19th March 2018) Present!
  • Jorge Alberto Cruz Torrez (20th April 2019) Present!
  • Joel Gutiérrez López (4th January 2021) Present!
  • Yolanda Cabrera González (16th February 2021) Present!
  • Felipa Sofía Santiago (22nd May 2021) Present!
  • Saúl Morales Hernández “Chino Pelón” (10th June 2021) Present!
  • Ángel López Pineda (22nd January 2022) Present!
  • Avelino Andrés Ramírez Cabrera (6th March 2023) Present!

Present, present, in the combative struggle!

Present, present, in the combative struggle!

We remembered the comrades and the importance of honoring them and their paths, as taught by Chairman Mao Tse Tung:

“From now on, when anyone in our ranks who has done some useful work dies, be he soldier or cook, we should have a funeral ceremony and a memorial meeting in his honour. This should become the rule. And it should be introduced among the people as well. When someone dies in a village, let a memorial meeting be held. In this way we express our mourning for the dead and unite all the people!!

Many combative slogans have honored their memory, joining internationalist slogans of solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people. The genocide committed by the Zionist entity was condemned and the demand for an end to the brutal occupation of Palestine was heard again.

Because the color of blood is not forgotten, the massacred will be avenged!…

And who will avenge them?… The organized people!…

And how?… By struggling!…

So… Struggle, struggle, struggle, don’t stop struggling,

for a workers’, peasants’ and people’s government!

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a murderous government, the score is pending!

Out with the Yankees from Latin America… out with Zionists from Palestine,

Get the UN out of Iraq… death to NATO, death to NATO!

From Oaxaca to Palestine, the struggle does not end!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

All attendees were invited to light a candle for our comrades. Many people in the street joined the tribute and showed respect to the ceremony; Also some progressive tourists who sympathize with the cause of Palestine joined the event, showing themselves curious about the ceremony, the tapete, the altar and the lighting of candles.

Then the band sounded what in our traditions accompanies our dead from beginning to end in the cycle of life and on their return to these lands in the celebrations of the dead; ith the music of the troupe the dance started and the red flags were raised again.

A comrade has said: “We do not mourn death, we celebrate it, because it is a dialectical part of our existence, it is the negation of the negation and announces the bright tomorrow that will come! This is how our first grandparents taught us before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers. Down with colonialism! This is how we understand it today when we assure that the enemy is tactically strong but strategically weak and doomed to defeat. The people are condemned to win! We look at the enemy with contempt and we are not afraid to die to serve the people and the World Proletarian Revolution.”

Finally there was the possibility of sharing food with the companions present, with the strolling people, with progressive tourism and the musicians. We ate tamales and chileajo toast with our fallen, we toasted with mezcal in their memory and with the permission of this land that we are going to liberate, as dictated by the best traditions and cultural resistance of our peoples of Anáhuac.


Some comrade organized a final toast to Chairman Gonzalo, whose face – just as since 2021 – once again headed our tapete… “he was the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist of our era, he was murdered by Yankee imperialism and the old Peruvian State within the highest luminous combat trench, the naval prison of Callao… we are sons and daughters of Chairman Gonzalo and with this toast we say Honor and glory to Chairman Gonzalo!

And yes, the slogan embodied on the tapestry reaffirms everything that was the life and struggle of all our comrades, mainly Chairman Gonzalo… Not even death could defeat you!

Comrades fallen in combat, in combat they will be avenged!

With the Red Sun, the people will win!

CP-Red Sun

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