Update on Palestine

Featured image: Hundreds of thousands of protesters gather in Sanaa to support the Palestinian people. Source: Ahlulbayt News Agency (Abna)

The representative of Yankee-Imperialism, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is holding several meetings with the leaders of the Middle East to “keep Gaza War from spreading.” Among the countries with which he has gathered, there is Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey. The latter desperately attempts to act a “pro-Palestinian” due to the high support of the Turkish people to the Palestinian people, but the reality is very different. The Turkish democratic newspaper Yeni Demokrasi exposed that Turkey, even having “condemned” the state of Israel, has not ceased its commercial relationship with it, constantly burdens ships through private and public companies, including companies belonging to public office, to continue trade. But they not only continue as before – Israel’s exports to Turkey in the month of December compared to the previous month saw an increase of 30.4 percent to 393,3 million dollars.

Today the sirens in northern Israel have sounded again after a new “large -scale” drone attack by Hezbollah. A rocket is said to have hit the city of Metula. Yesterday, January 6, another similar attack was reported with more than 40 rockets launched as an “initial response” to the murder of Al-Arouri. His murder caused many social protests in oincreasether countries, such as Jordan or Morocco.

Yesterday, January 6th, the IDF spokesman reported that they had “dismantled Hamas operations in northern Gaza” and a lower activity in northern Gaza to focus on the center and south. Today attacks against the northern part of the country have been reported again, which have left 70 dead in a residential area. The IDF spokesman says that sporadic attacks will continue to northern Gaza. Various sources report that 4% of the population of Gaza, about 90,000 people, have been killed, wounded or are missing. The death-toll already add up to 22,835, of which 9,600 are children, which represents 42% of the total.

According to sources, there is an “unprecedented” increase in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank since October 7th. A record has also been informed in Israelis attacks to Palestinians from illegal settlements.

The mobilizations of support for the struggle of the Palestinian people have continued throughout the world and denouncing the genocide committed by the state of Israel and Yankee imperialism:

In the United Kingdom there have been various actions: in a Teledyne factory in Shipley, England, where 200 people protested against the manufacture of electronic components for Elbit Israeli drones. 60 activists also blocked access to the Bae Systems factory in Gwent, Wales.

Protest in front of the Teledyne factory. Source: Abna

BAE Systems factory lock. Source: Cymru Peace Coalition

Yesterday, in London there was a great mobilization blocking access to Parliament. The police had forbidden them to arrive at the Westminster bridge, but the protesters disobeyed and agreed. Despite the police repression they remained firm and fought to continue advancing.

In Kristiansand, Norway, despite the cold that reaches -15ºC, the people has taken to the streets to participate in a march in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Kampkomiteen has also participated, shouting slogans as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free “and “Israel has blood on their hands, free Palestine. “

During these days the huge mobilizations have continued in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, where the masses take to the streets by hundreds of thousands in support of the Palestinian people and their struggle.

New mass march in Sanaa. Source: Mohammed Huwais

In Seattle, USA, this Saturday hundreds of protesters have occupied for hours the north departure of the city, blocking the traffic for almost ten kilometers during hours.

Hundreds of protesters block traffic in Seattle. Source: AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson

In Melbourne, Australia, the streets have been taken again in support of Palestine and denouncing the genocide committed by Israel. This is the thirteenth consecutive week that this happens.

Thousands take the streets for 13th consecutive week in Melbourne. Source: News.com Australia

In Hamburg, Germany, there has been a large demonstration of more than 3,000 people. The Red League participated with a banner where it was written “It is right to rebel!” in German and Arabic and where the complicity of German, French and Yankee imperialism was denounced.

Hamburg, Germany. Source: Dem Volke Dienen

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