India: CPI (Maoist) against “Operation Kagar”

The Central Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has released a statement “Condemn and protest the new anti-revolutionary military campaign “Operation Kagar”. Protest the corporatization and militarization of the forests.” We hereby publish a summation. The full text of the document can be found at dazibaorojo.

In it the Party strongly condemns the ongoing anti-revolutionary military campaign in central India, especially in “Abuj Maad”. In huge number military forces have been deployed and a new military operation named Operation Kagar has been launched. The Central Regional Bureau (CRB) of the CPI (Maoist) vehemently condemn this new military offensive. By creating terror among Maadiya tribal community who are residing on the hills of Maad, around 10,000 Central police force and para-military forces have been deployed. Already there are thousands of police forces deployed in Maad region, and this fresh consignment of police force has transformed the mountains of Maad into a highly militarized zone. In between 35,000 people living in Maad, by establishing 6 base camps continuously thousands of forces are being sent on those from 1 January, 2024. “Operation Kagar” is the climax of the past one-year anti-revolutionary campaigns of Hindutva regime of the central government.

The Party calls to stand with the people of Maad in this time when they are being terrorized and facing existential crisis due to”Operation Kagar”.

Aerial bombardments and drone attacks have increased tremendously. Those who are raising their voices against the anti-people policies of the Hindutva rulers are being branded as “pen-yielding” Maoist and are being repressed. For that purpose, National Investigation Agency (NIA) is been perfectly as a weapon and is been misused. Despite of this, those people are protesting the anti-people policies of hindutva regime. The people of the country are getting involved in several protests more than earlier. By getting United they are resisting the hindutva forces and fighting for the perseverance of their democratic rights.

The Party appeals to all conscious intellectuals, Patriots, democrats, students, secularists, journalists and Human Rights Activists to expose this hidden agenda of hindutva forces. Unable to solve the problems of the oppressed people, the marauding ruling classes governments are suppressing those voices that are questioning the failures and wrong doings of the government are being sent to jail or threatened with severe consequences.

Over the entire country the Party is supporting the just movements. The Party is also standing in solidarity with all those activists who are being harassed for raising their voices against anti-people policies of the government.

The CPI (Maoist) calls upon the Indian people and democrats to defeat Operation Kagar, to unite the people against Operation Kagar and expose the hypocritical ruling class government, to make aware about the agenda of the Hindutva forces to immerse people in the morass of religion.

The Party pledges to strongly face the fascist hindutva forces which are denying the functioning of any nominal democracy and has suspended oppositions leaders, to protect our forest for our country from corporatization, to raise their voice for the removal of police camps being deployed in thousands in tribal areas, to resist the military and authoritarian attacks on the tribal people, to protect the revolutionary movement of the people and to carry it forward, to fight for People’s democratic India not for Hindutva Forces New India.

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