Brazil: the people blocks the BR-101 highway after the murder of a peasant
Featured image: Deyvison Batista da Silva, peasant murdered by the Military Police in Escada, Pernambuco. Source: A Nova Democracia.
The Brazilian newspaper A Nova Democracia has recently reported on the murder of a peasant, Deyvison Batista da Silva, by the Military Police (MP) in Escada, Pernambuco, on Wednesday 21st of February. After this, the inhabitants of the area have been blocking for days the national highway BR-101, which is crossing the whole East coast of Brazil.
The MP murdered the peasant when he was speaking with two friends. Three MP’s went off their motorbikes, including a police thug, known as “Pitbull”, and shot Deyvison in his face. As is usual, the Brazilian repressive forces claimed that Deyvison was armed during the incident, but the people does not believe such tricks, and its shaken by what happened.
Here the consequences of the blockade can be seen:
Here we share videos of the protests occurred during the 22nd:
Here you can see videos of the protests done during the 23rd: