Six Partizan readers arrested after the struggle on the 1st of May
Featured image: Partizan banners in Istanbul on the 1st of May. Source: Yeni Demokrasi
An arrest request was made for all the 17 Partizan readers detained on the 1st of May in Istanbul. Six of them were arrested and 11 were released under judicial control. The charges against them are ”making propaganda for a terrorist organization” and ”violation of the law number 2911 (Law on Meetings and Demonstrations)” due to ”Partizan banners with the silhouette of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya”. Partizan or the image of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya however are not illegal according to the Turkish law. The six Partizan readers have been sent to Marmara high-security prison in Silivri, Istanbul.
In total, 38 people have been arrested so far. House raids and detentions against various organizations continue, and further 12 people have been taken in custody on the morning of the 5th of May.
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