Mexico: Upcoming mobilization for the 6 years of forceful disappearance

We publish an unofficial translation of an article on Periódico Mural.

Members of the organization Current of the People Red Sun, in front of the encampment that they have set up in the Gurrión walkway in the center of the city of Oaxaca, met the media and citizenship to announce their upcoming activity they will carry out on the 14th of May this year in the City of Resistance, with which they call to reinforce the demand of the presentation alive of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, lawyer of the organization, who this 10th of May has been forcefully disappeared for 6 years.

The comrades of Red Sun denounce the zero attention and the slow process of the authorities, who just in March presented Search Document No. CEBPEO/032/2024 and recently the first forensic search plan within days before the 6th anniversary.

The activists headed by the spokesperson of this organization, Yolanda Ruiz Cruz, mentioned that within the action plan it is contemplated to support the launch of the CNTE’s national teachers’ strike, which begins on the 15th of May. During this, the SolRojistas will promote the need to raise the strike to a National Teachers/Popular Strike and the call for an electoral boycott before the elections on the 2nd of June, which are also involved in a terrible spiral of violence that has left at least 63 people killed among pre-candidates, candidates and political operators of the various electoral parties. “The bourgeois elections are not a form of struggle, they are a farce that legitimizes the oppression of the workers and the peoples,” emphasized the spokesperson.

It is important to mention that the Gurrión encampment been carried out for more than 2 months in resistance after two attempted evictions b the Municipal Police of Oaxaca de Juárez and the refusal of the authorities that prevents the right of work of craftsmen and merchants in that place, for which reason in a press conference the companions indicated that they will remain firm in their demands and reinforce the boycott actions against the different municipal candidates that represent the interests of the big bourgeoisie and the gentrification process that the city of Oaxaca is experiencing.

Periódico Mural witnessed the siege of different corporations against the sit-in, and we were able to document the presence of municipal police in the surroundings, in addition to two National Guard trucks parked just in front of this.


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