Europe: multiple actions for the 1000th anniversary Saturdays Mothers’ struggle
Featured image: action of Partizan for the week 1000 of the Saturdays Mothers’ struggle. Source: Avrupa Haber
The struggle of the Saturdays Mothers of Turkey has marked its week number 1000. They have been struggling since 1995 to know the fate of their relatives which were forcefully disappeared and murdered in custody, and they also want to punish the accountable for these crimes. We have reported on this week number 1000 and some actions for that.
Recently many actions have been carried out all over Europe to support the struggle of these women. Actions are reported in Hamburg, Stuttgart, Ulm, Cologne and Frankfurt, Germany; in Brussels, Belgium; in Amsterdam, Netherlands; in Zürich, Switzerland; Innsbruck and Vienna, Austria; Paris, France; London, England… and many other cities.
In these actions pictures of those who disappeared under custody have been shown and speeches were held, denouncing the oppression, torture, disappearance, exile and massacres committed by the old Turkish State. Members of many organizations participated such as Partizan, AGEB, AVEG-KON, ADHK, ASM and ADGB. Moreover on 24th and 25th of May the Dersim Festival was celebrated in Frankfurt, in which the organization European Women Solidarity presented a message of solidarity with the Saturdays Mothers.