Mexico: Joint declaration in support of CNTE
We publish an unofficial translation of a declaration found on Sol Rojista.
We, workers, poor peasants, indigenous-oppressed peoples, women, popular youth, and all the people with democratic and revolutionary spirit that form the CURRENT OF THE PEOPLE RED SUN and the POPULAR FRONT OF THE MOUNTAIN we greet in a fraternal way the undefined national strike that since May 15 the National Coordinating of Educational Workers (CNTE) is doing.
Our organizations, born in the struggles of the people, have shared the struggle on the streets together with the democratic teachers in Oaxaca and Guerrero throughout the years, paying high costs for it, such as political prison for several of our comrades; the forced disappearance of the comrades Ernesto Sernas García and Arnulfo Cerón Soriano, this last murdered by his captors, in addition to the brutal murders of the comrades Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Féliz Vicente Cruz, respectively.
We consider the sectoral demands that CNTE and its several contingents upheld as just. As well, we consider the demands for justice that the democratic teachers are standing up in their unstoppable struggle for the democratization of their Union and Our Fatherland as completely legit.
As democratic and revolutionary organizations, we strongly condemn the provocations that several coalitions and electoral parties have done against the national CNTE sit-in in Mexico City.
As well as the democratic teachers, we uphold, defend and apply the economical, ideological and political independence of our organizations, strongly keeping the principles of the class struggle in the perspective of the national liberation and the revolution that Mexico claims.
From the side of the people, we join the demand of solution to the sectoral and justice demands of CNTE and we demand to the Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Government and the self-proclaimed “fourth transformation” that they stop to put conditions to the talks through the Govern Secretary and others institutions.
Finally, our organizations greet the different actions of protest of the democratic teachers and the impulse of the campaign to boycott the bourgeois electoral farce. Elections are not the solution!
No one should doubt:
The struggling teacher is also teaching!
United teachers and people, will never be defeated!
Whoever governs, the rights of the people are defended!