Mexico: Weekly Newsletter

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of the weekly newsletter by solrojista:

The call for the 5th National Assembly for Water and Life (ANAVI) to be held on August 17 and 18 at the “Samir Flores Soberanes” House of Peoples (formerly INPI) has been published. Peoples, communities and organizations from various parts of the country participate in it, mainly grouped in the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and some others of an independent nature. Through a lengthy statement, ANAVI points out that … “In Mexico, the plundering and dispossession of water faced by indigenous peoples, tribes, nations, neighborhoods and indigenous communities, in the countryside and in the city, are part of a capitalist war that is imposed with blood and fire. This war that the peoples are living in defense of water, was institutionalized from the establishment of the National Water Law in 1992, since then it has been exploited and hoarded by 3,304 large private users (companies, civil associations, banks and individuals), to which the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) and the State Commissions have granted concessions that are nothing more than the covert privatization of water, they are permits to steal, that means, the human right to water has been violated and its delivery to large predatory and privatizing transnationals has been prioritized.” They also defend the takeover of the INPI where the comrades of the Otomi Community have been living, resident in Mexico City since October 12, 2020, “for being one of the institutions that despise the original communities and peoples, a structure where a large part of the megaprojects of death are being developed, where the traitor of the peoples Adelfo Regino Montes could only manage the dispossession for 2 years, exiled from his own offices by the peoples whom he betrayed and who have shown that autonomy is the only way to guarantee tomorrow ”.

At the same time, we report on the situation of Comrade Arnulfo García Santos, arrested on June 28 in Juxtlahuaca, accused of aggravated homicide by accusations of the MULT-Morena paramilitaries, and currently being held in the state prison of Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. The comrade is being held in isolation and only this Saturday his lawyer was allowed in, this being the first contact he has had with his Defender and with his organization. Arnulfo suffers from diabetes and according to the report we have, his health is deteriorating after his arrest. The Triquis Displaced Persons Committee of San Miguel Copala foresees the beginning of protest actions and for the time being has started pasting posters demanding freedom for Arnulfo. Down with the privatization of water in the hands of the landowners and the imperialist monopolies! Freedom for Arnulfo García Santos and all the political prisoners of the country!

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