Brazil: Editorial – War on Bolsonarist militias!
We share an unofficial translation of the last Editorial by A Nova Democracia.
On September 28, 50 goons in 14 trucks, together with employees of the latifundium Agropecuária Mata Sul Ltda and supported by a troop of 50 military policemen (MP), invaded the land of the squatters of Engenho Barro Branco, in Jaqueira, area Mata of Pernambuco, trying to illegally evict families that have been residents of Usina Frei Caneca for many generations, which has been theirs for over 10 years. Despite the war brought by the latifundium to the region, the masses of squatters mobilized by the League of the Poor Peasants (LCP) and supported in their forms of self-defense, counting on the support of the region’s masses and the active action of students and democratic intellectuals, responded to the murderous attack of the latifundium hordes (strengthened by MP troops) with fierce resistance and chased them away, defeating them in another of their offensives to seize those lands. There is even information that two goons were injured, and that one of them is the leader of the “Zero Invasion” paramilitary movement in Pernambuco.
A day later, thousands of people gathered in the capital of São Paulo, in a protest against the fires and in support of the Agrarian Revolution. It was, in all aspects, an anti-latifundium protest: it condemned the fires throughout Brazil as an planned and coordinated act by big landlords, especially Bolsonarists; it rose the Agrarian Revolution (changing the slogan of the previous edition of this protest, which defended agrarian reform) as the path for peasants, indigenous people and Quilombolas; and, to the top it off, it denounced the National Congress and the government for advancing the genocidal and latifundium thesis of the temporal framework.
There is no doubt that the facts are related, even if indirectly. The radicalization of the peasant and indigenous struggle on the countryside (which, in recent months alone, has concentrated bloody battles in Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Ceará and Pernambuco) drives the advancement of the struggle against large estates and for the Agrarian Revolution in the cities as well. A fundamental movement, so that the crimes of the big landlords and peasant resistance are not shaded, isolated by the censorship of the press monopolies serving the big landlords.
It is an urgent, immediate task, on the agenda that the true democrats and progressives, all the Brazilian popular masses, mobilize on a war footing in the active defense of the peasant, indigenous and Quilombola struggle against the criminal Bolsonaro latifundium – and to condemn the ineffectiveness of the current government in stopping the crimes of this group of parasites of the Nation, thieves of Union lands and immediately meeting the secular demands of the poor peasantry, indigenous peoples, riverside peoples and Quilombolas. A government that participates in the war against the peasants by expanding the political power of the latifundium through positions in the ministries (Carlos Fávaro), agreements and artifices rubbed in the face of Mr. Luiz Inácio by the Tupinambá indigenous leader (conciliation in the Marco Temporal, defended by him and his minister Sonia Guajajara) and huge funds (record in Safra Plans). The slogan “Long live the Agrarian Revolution! Death to Latifundium!”, as used in Jaqueira and São Paulo on the same weekend, is the only way for the Brazilian people to advance the revolutionary struggle until the conquest of New Democracy. Death to the Bolsonarist militias and paramilitary hordes! Long live the revolutionary struggle!
In Lebanon, the war of national liberation against the Zionist enemy escalates as Benjamin Netanyahu’s Nazi-Zionist regime continues with ground operations in villages in southern Lebanon, which began on September 30. Let no one be fooled by the “limited” and “directed” character, so called by this genocider, regarding the land operations of the hordes of Israel. This is how the invasion of Gaza also began, in October 2023, today responsible for the mass destruction of the besieged and resistant Palestinian territory. The Zionist troops will face powerful resistance in Lebanese territory: the invaded villages are peasant towns and suburbs, where the National Resistance, notably Hezbollah, has been building political power sustained by its own armed forces and mobilizing the masses for war for almost 40 years. These are masses experienced in the fight against the Zionist State and its lackeys, and who triumphed in expulsions such as the 1985 war, which concluded the defeat of the invader in 2000, and also in the 2006 war. Before the invasion, Hezbollah leaders they stated that “they were prepared” and even eager for the troops to enter, to finally fight the enemy face to face. Iran’s responses to Israel’s war crimes, including executing Palestinian leadership on its territory, add to the movement to surround Zionism. The next few days promise the beginning of a fierce guerrilla war that will engulf the invader.