France: On the arrest of our comrade in Lyon
We share an unofficial translation of a statement of the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire and Jeunes Révolutionnaires.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Wednesday October 2nd at 4:30 pm, one of our militants was interpellated by police officers, dressed in civil, in front of her home and immediately token in custody. The reason of this arrest is clear: she is political active. The crime of our comrade is basic, is to defend Palestine, to defend the oppressed peoples, is to defend her class. The crime of our comrade, that we share, is to be a rebel youth against this world. We know that what they repress is her love for the people. The crime of our comrade is the one shared by millions of youths through the world, of loving justice and hating the injustice. Hating imperialism and Zionism, loving emancipation, glorify the heroes of the Palestinian people, to celebrate the resistance forces, are her crimes. After 7th of October, the world has filled itself with criminals guilty of demanding justice and that’s good.
This arrest is the work of the most reactionary President of the Fifth Republic, whose government was appointed by the desires of His Majesty. This completely illegitimate government made out of old reactionary scraps, is the incarnation of what the working people hate most. This political impostors are nothing more but the servers of the imperialist French monopolies, in addition to the collaborators with the Zionist project. While Iran avenged the Lebanese people for Israeli terrorism, our “guardians of peace” support the genocidal politics of the Israeli colonial State. Habits are hard to take out, the Vel d’Hiv (a mass arrest of Jewish families by French police and gendarmes at the behest of the German authorities, that took place in Paris on 16–17 July 1942; translator’s note) will remain forever engraved in their uniforms.
We have no doubts that our comrade will be charged as an apologist of terrorism, as Elias, Timothée, Monira, Palestine Vaincra, la Fosse aux Lyons… we who are for many great-grandsons and great-daughters of terrorism, franc-tireurs, partisans (and proud of it), we know that in this world, the defenders of the state accuse those who threaten them as terrorists.
The hypocritical bourgeoisie brought Manouchian (Armenian poet and communist activist. A survivor of the 1915–1916 Armenian genocide; translator’s note)into the Pantheon with one hand and with the other it attacks our most basic democratic rights, freedom of speech, of assembly, of press… Let’s remember that at the time of Manouchian it was forbidden to be a communist or part of CGT, or even a leftist, it was forbidden to demonstrate, thinking was a crime, and of course treason and perfidy were the only safe values. In 2024, we see our democratic rights and our fundamental freedoms slowly slipping away into a reactionary gully. Then we will have to swear again that we will defend by all means what the Manouchian Group was fighting for. Through the Palestinian Resistance is our own history that we defend and that we erect. It is not whining what will defend our democratic rights, but the determined revolutionary struggle, the one that aims power.
We call on everyone to rise up against the arbitrariness and to defend the freedom of opinion, the right to demonstrate, the right to struggle. It is right and necessary to rebel.
Of course, we demand the freedom of our comrade, and of course we are waiting for the apologies of the State for the inconvenience.
To all the rebel youth, join the ranks of the revolutionary youth, shock troop of the Socialist Revolution!
More important, we call to everyone to struggle in support of Palestine, to struggle for the freedom of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and in order to build a powerful movement that will bring the regime down.
“My dear mom, don’t forget to tell everyone you know about me, because at the moment, it’s a pride to be captivated. I’ve already told you how calm and strong I feel and I know that you will always be very brave in all circumstances”
Daniela Casanova, communist resistance imprisoned in nazi camp in 1942, murdered in Auschwitz in 1943.
National Buro of the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire and the Jeunes Révolutionnaires, October 3rd, 2024