We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article by the Front to Defend the Struggles of the People (FDLP) Ecuador:

Dr. GN Saibaba, Professor of the Delhi University, political activist, academic and revolutionary of India, has been widely recognized for its tireless struggle in defense of the rights of the people and the demands of the oppressed people. Despite suffering a severe physical disability due to the polio he had as a five-year-old, which left him with 90% reduced mobility, he never allowed his health condition to become an obstacle to display his firm commitment to the great majorities.

Since his youth, Saibaba was involved in progressive and revolutionary student movements. During the 1990s and 2000s, he joined the All India People’s Resistance Forum, becoming a central figure in the struggle against imperialism, feudalism and the repressive policies by the old Indian State.

In 2014, Saibaba was arrested under charges of having links with the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and for supposedly waging a “war against the State.” Although the evidence against him was insufficient, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. During his imprisonment, he suffered serious health complications due to inhumane prison conditions and lack of proper health treatment, which considerably worsened his physical condition.

Throughout his detention, Saibaba was jailed in the “Anda Cell”, a high-security cell designed to isolate prisoners. The jail and judicial authorities repeatedly refused to grant him the medical care he needed, which caused a severe deterioration in his health.

On October 12, 2024, Dr. GN Saibaba died in a Hyderabad hospital at the age of 57, after suffering years of medical negligence in prison. His death was not natural, but direct result of the conditions to which he was subjected by the State Indian. Imprisonment, lack of access to adequate medical treatment and the inhumane conditions contributed to his premature death. Before his death, it is necessary to consider how much the old bureaucratic-big landlord State of India influenced in its tragic outcome.

The peoples of the world condemn the Indian State for its responsibility in the death of Dr. Saibaba, and at the same time, we stand in solidarity with the masses who have lost one of their most distinguished fighters.

Although throughout the world vital efforts advance to bury imperialism, defeat its lackeys and destroy their instruments of domination, struggles that make us proud and encourage not to rest in these resolutions, these are also difficult times, since we have faced the loss of valuable comrades who, from their trenches, with their capabilities and in their scenarios, they have been determinant to see in the horizon the decline and end of imperialism.

The proletariat and the people of Ecuador stands in solidarity with the masses of India and the oppressed peoples of the world, who have lost one of their most brilliant fighters.


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