December 21: Georges Abdallah must be freed, now or now!
Hereby, we publish the leaflet of the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah that we received.
Appeal of the prosecutor, what now?
All gathered in Paris for a new national demonstration!
Georges Abdallah must be free, now or now!
“By a -ruling dated today, the court of enforcement admitted Georges Ibrahim Abdallah to the benefit of parole as of 6 December next, subject to the condition of leaving the national territory and to no longer appear there” (Decision of the Sentencing Tribunal).
On the 15th of November, the sentence of the Paris Court of Enforcement fell, answering the eleventh parole application from Georges Ibrahim Abdallah in June 2023 : Georges Abdallah must be freed! This court order – which reinforces the previous 2003 and 2013 orders while not being dependent on the signature of a deportation order by the Home Secretary – is definitely a new political and judicial victory in this Abdallah case which has been going on for 40 years. « Of course change will take time and then certainly there will be some bumps here and there. Only, the direction of the wind is already well mapped out. » (Georges Abdallah, statement of 17 November 2012)
However, this victory does not mark the end of this fight as we all know : as early as the evening of the 15th of November, the decision was hanged by the appeal filed by the national anti-terrorism prosecutor and again, on December 19, the Court will meet in Paris to “rule on the fate” of the one that the French media now name themselves, since November 15 – if not the resistance fighter – at least the « pro-Palestinian activist Georges Abdallah.»
In this eminently political affair filled with multiple «bumps» and for this new step on the 19th of December, we – supporters of Georges Abdallah, committed on this political field of the struggle and the struggles – reassert here our unwavering and total commitment to lead this struggle until the effective liberation of our comrade and in that direction, call to develop, unite and coordinate our forces even more in order to amplify again and again this demonstration and amplify the campaign for his liberation so that in this order to come, the Paris Court of Enforcement, once again, one pronouncement is written out: Georges Abdallah must be free!
So, by December 19, we call again and more than ever for a thousand initiatives to flourish everywhere in France and internationally for the release of Georges Abdallah. Let us resonate wherever we are our constantly growing solidarity and popular momentum at the cry of «Resistance is a right ! Free Georges Abdallah.» Let us show our struggle which, far from being exhausted, now weighs in this balance of power and only swells to break out massively on all fronts over the days, weeks, months and years. We tirelessly pledge our commitment to stand by our comrade and fight in support of the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, the Lebanese people and all oppressed in this historic, just and legitimate right to resist and free oneself from exploitation, oppression, colonization and imperialism. And let us use our weapon of solidarity to make Palestine more than ever the center of attention, but also the situation of one of its historical fighters, Georges Abdallah.
In this final battle, let’s strike with one hand by gathering at a new national demonstration in Paris, at the very heart of the power of the French state, on Saturday, December 21, to the cry of “Georges Abdallah, your comrades are here!”. And in this sense, we call all the supporters of France but also neighboring countries to bethere, to be massively present to demonstrate once again and we hope one last time our determination to see our comrade Georges Abdallah finally free, for victory or victory!
So yes, as Georges Abdallah also said: “Shame on all those who, in the face of genocidal Zionist barbarity, call to look elsewhere!” and honor to all those who, beyond the repression, act so that thousands of initiatives flourish in favor of Palestine, its glorious resistance and support for the torches of this resistance that are the Palestinian prisoners including Georges Abdallah! Join the first signatories of this call to action until 19 December and to be massively present on 21 December in Paris!
Let’s continue the fight!
Let’s free Georges Abdallah!
It is together, only together that we will win!
Paris, 10 December 2024
United campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
Facebook : pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
Instagram : cuplgia – Tweeter : CUpLGIA