Brazil: New assaults on the Peasant’s Struggle and Student’s Solidarity with the Agrarian Revolution

Featured image: Illegal eviction of Nova Esperança camp; Source: A Nova Democracia

Lately there have been reports that around 60 peasant families in Rondônia were victims of an illegal eviction on November 25th from the Nova Esperança camp, on the hacienda Capão da Onça. Military Police troops from three cities carried out the – even according to bourgeois law – illegal eviction, without a judicial order.

The police’s violence did not spare children, the elderly, disabled people and people in situations of social and economic vulnerability.

The peasants were forcibly removed from their lands and forced into buses. They were brought to the municipality of Castanheiras. There, held at a sports field, they were denied water, food and sanitary. They were relocated to a church’s yard and harassed by the vicious police and goons of the latifundium.

The Association of People’s Lawyers (ABRAPO) just and correct denounced the MP of being the lackeys of the region’s big landlords and holds the Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) responsible for the situation of the peasants.

Students and activists from the People’s Revolutionary Student Movement (MEPR) carried out agitation and propaganda activities for the Agrarian Revolution in the main building of the State

University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) on December 11th. Pamphlets were distributed and speeches were given which attracted interest among the masses. The activity ended with an immense banner, longer than twenty meters, being extended from the twelfth floor of the main building, which could be seen from the busy São Francisco Xavier street in the Tijuca neighborhood.

On 3rd of December, an agitation was carried out in defense of the Agrarian Revolution at the Federal University of Bahia. A banner was hung up to mobilize students in favor of the rural poor in their war against the latifundium.

The activity was part of a successful campaign in defense of the Mãe Bernadete camp, the Barro Branco community and the Zumbi dos Palmares camp, organized by the Bahia Committee to Support the Struggle for Land, including several agitation and propaganda activities for three weeks: Studies and debates, flag-hoistings, as well as the pasting of several red posters throughout the campus.

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