México: Weekly Newsletter

We hereby share an unofficial translation of the latest Weekly Newsletter from Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (Current of the People – Red Sun).

Last week we reported on the procedure of the case of Antonio González Méndez vs. Mexico in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR). Now, through the press statement 85/2024 the IACHR has announced that… “the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the Mexican United States internationally responsible for forced disappearance committed to the detriment of Antonio González Méndez, as well as by other human rights violations to their detriment and that of their families.” Antonio González was a supporter of the Zapatista Liberation Army National (EZLN) and was disappeared in the state of Chiapas on January 18, 1999 by the paramilitary group called “Desarrollo Paz y Justicia”. The comrades from the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) consider this as “a historical sentence of the Inter-American Court” and point out in an own statement that… “Although today’s sentence is a significant advance, it does not constitute the end point of the process of justice initiated by Antonio’s family. It is essential that the Mexican State, and in particular its armed forces, fully comply with the sentence of the Inter-American Court, beginning by clarifying the fate and whereabouts of Antonio, so that a complete action of justice can really begin and open doors to transitional justice in the context of counterinsurgency in Chiapas”.

We salute this ruling of the Inter-American Court and we join the demand of Frayba and various democratic voices who demand justice for the victims of state terrorism and an end to the war against the people.

In other news, this day was held in Oaxaca the massive national march for the 45th anniversary of the founding of the National Coordination of Educational Workers (CNTE). Tens of thousands of democratic teachers from all over the country have participated in this strong mobilization where the Sectionals Executive Committees were present from various states, accompanied by different people’s organizations and democratic unions. We salute the 45th anniversary of the founding of the CNTE and its class struggle in the streets, calling on the democratic teachers to reject unionist positions and parliamentary-cretinist illusions that at other times have fractured unity of the teacher’s and people’s movement. Finally, we announce that on upcoming December 26, the Current of the People – Red Sun will celebrate 17 years of political work and 8 years of public life applying “the three with” in the bosom of the people, that is: “live with the people, work with the people and struggle with the people.” The 17/8th anniversary of the founding of our democratic organization includes various activities of a political-cultural nature, and it is a SolRojista celebration that we carry out year after year with great effort. Long live 17/8th anniversary of our democratic organization! ¡SolRojista, sí señor, de lo bueno lo mejor!

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