Brazil: families protest in Rio de Janeiro against their eviction

We hereby share an unofficial translation of an article published by A Nova Democracia (AND).

RJ: Families evicted from the occupation of Anyky Lima carried out an event before the TJRJ and they denounce irregularities in the process

On last Thursday, December 19, families recently evicted from the Occupation Anyky Lima carried out an event before the Court of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ), where the Civilian Court n.º 11 is located, which is ruling the case. Residents, lawyers and supporters carried out a mobilization where they denounced the irregularities of the eviction and the electoral farce.

A leaflet which was distributed explained that the judge, Josimar de Andrade, who ruled the eviction order, was not allowed to rule any case related with the occupations linked to the Internationalist Homeless Front (FIST). The leaflet also exposed the judge Fábio Dutra, who disregarded the process which was already going on in the same Civilian Court, and even tough he decided to initiate a new case. Moreover, the leaflet also denounced that the eviction was done with no previous warning and without the presence of legal representatives.

Activists of the organization, residents of Anyky Lima and supporters spoke about their dissatisfaction with the Governor and the Mayor, who disregarded the situation and allowed the eviction of around 12 families. This eviction was done with police violence. The State did not support the families and the activists called to the people to defend their rights on the streets, since “right after winning the elections, the mayor was already attacking them”, as a demonstrator said, being angry with the politicians.

Demonstrators denounce illegal eviction before the TJRJ. Source: AND

The main concern and the demand of the act was to obtain the release of the personal properties which were stolen by the police after the occupation. In a statement given to AND, Fátima Clarice, who lived in the occupation, reports that on the day of the eviction, food, clothes and medicines remain in warehouse of the town-hall.

After the speeches given, the mobilization went into the TJRJ, where the FIST’s lawyer, André de Paula, and the neighbors pressured to recover their possessions, which ended with a success for the residents.

In the statements to the local reporter of AND, Ana Cláudia, Anyky Lima coordinator explained that this occupation was a house for workers without a home, also the place had a solidarity kitchen and it was developing a community orchard, which was interrupted due to the eviction.

The organization Anyky Lima asked to any person willing to support the evicted residents to contribute with a donation of any amount of money through “Pix”:

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