Brazil: Worker’s League Call to Prepare the General Strike

The Brazilian newspaper A Nova Democracia (AND) has shared a leaflet and call made by the Workers’ League (LO).

AND reports as follows: “The Worker’s League condemned, in an important leaflet published on 1st of January, 2025, the wage cut promoted by Luiz Inácio government (PT), serving the ruling classes.”

The LO denounces the minimum wage limitation. AND already reported on this wage limit, proposed by another of the PT flagships, Fernando Haddad. AND reported that such limitation “attacks directly the most basic rights of the Brazilian people, which are already denied”. The minimum wage is “already much below than it is needed to survive”.

The LO concludes its statement calling to struggle and to prepare the National Resistance General Strike: “It is the task of the entire working mass to unify to destroy common enemies, without blinking and not falling into the clutches of a far right that has takenthe power, precisely using the vacuum left by this electoral, conciliatory ‘left’, which preaches what it cannot achieve within a rotten policy, created by imperialism and carried out by the big bourgeoisie and the latifundium. Power must come from the hands of the people, but this will not come from promises, but from a lot of struggle and to achieve this, the class must look for ways to organize itself, creating People’s Defense Committees and starting to exercise it in the preparation of a National Resistance General Strike”.

We recommend to our readers to visit the LO’s website and to read the text published:

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