AGEB-Europe-camp was held successfully
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a report published by Avrupa Haber:
The European Migrant Workers’ Association (AGEB) component parts came together in Austria on January 4 and 5, 2025, and held a camp where they conducted lively and productive discussions for two days.
The 60 people who attended the camp contributed to the productive meeting by presenting their opinions, suggestions and criticisms in order to reveal the collective consciousness and create perspectives for the work of the upcoming period.
The European Migrant Workers’ Association (AGEB) component parts, the Austrian Turkish Workers’ Youth Federation (ATİGF), Swiss Turkish Workers’ Federation (İTİF) executives, Purple Red Collective activists, Youth activists and members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Boards of Associations affiliated to the Federations and German, French and English AGEB committees and activists attended the Camp. AGEB Committees and representatives from Belgium, Netherlands and Greece could not participate due to a number of problems.
The meeting began at 14:00 on January 4, with a moment of silence in memory of the martyrs of the revolution.

Following the moment of silence, a video was shown containing sections from the various activities carried out by AGEB between its establishment in 2019 and 2024.
Following the screening, a welcoming and opening speech was made on behalf of the AGEB Coordination. In the speech made by the AGEB Coordination representative for the AGEB European meeting, it was stated that “In this first week of 2025, when we enter a new year of struggle, our aim while planning this 2-day-camp with you, the executive and activist comrades operating throughout Europe, is to discuss the activities of the upcoming period together, to make us aware of our shortcomings and inadequacies, to overcome them together, to determine our general direction for the future, to continue a more collective and more organized struggle together with our masses, and at the same time to develop closer relations with migrant workers.
In the Middle East, the massacres carried out by the Zionists in Palestine with the support of imperialist states continue. Syria is pregnant with possible conflicts and massacres and further increase in internal unrest with the extra roles of the Turkish state and Israel in the game of US and British imperialists. The Turkish Republic resorts to all kinds of games and tools to liquidate the Kurdish gains with its historical anti-Kurdish policies.
Reactionary laws, racism, and rights violations are increasing in European countries. We have responsibilities and historical duties to organize the increasing anger of workers and toilers and to expand the common struggle of native and immigrant workers.
We will continue to approach this process with our revolutionary line, with the awareness that the resistance and rebellions of oppressed nations and peoples are just and legitimate, defend the revolutionary potential of resistances and rebellions, and support just revolutionary wars and People’s Wars.
We will support the struggle against imperialism worldwide, actively participate in the work of the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL), the formation of which began in June 2024, and continue the international struggle as a component part.
He concluded his speech by saying, “We must aim to expand the axis of revolutionary-democratic struggle and continue it on a correct line by taking part in unitary actions and common struggle platforms together with friendly and allied people’s forces!”
After the three-person Board of Directors managing the meeting took their places and information was provided about the meeting agenda and method, the agenda items were discussed.

The section of the preparation of reports addressing the political situation of each country in which activities were carried out, as decided in the last meeting of the AGEB Coordination, and discussing them in this camp was started. For two days, written reports were presented including the political situation and evaluations of the countries Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece and England. The deficiencies in the presentations were discussed and additional evaluations were made, and determinations were made regarding the concrete tasks of the upcoming process.
The presentation of the reports was followed by the evaluation of the situation of the Purple-Red Collective and the Youth, intense discussions were held and suggestions and proposals were presented.
In a period when imperialist aggression is increasing and the climate of war is growing, the situation in European countries and what revolutionary tasks should be, as well as the resistance of oppressed nations and the peoples of the world, developments in Syria, Palestine and Turkey, were evaluated and analyzed. The importance of supporting and developing anti-imperialist struggles all over the world was emphasized, and the importance of establishing the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL), which aims to unite and coordinate these struggles with internationalist consciousness, was highlighted, and it was emphasized that people should participate in it. Attention was drawn to the issues that should be highlighted in unitary actions and alliance policies.
On the second day, the article prepared to create a perspective on the studies presented by the AGEB Coordination and aiming to put the opinions and suggestions of the participants into a mold was read and the discussions continued.
There were also intense discussions on the second day. The meeting, which was enriched by more than 20 people taking the stage and presenting their suggestions and criticisms, was concluded with the Council’s wrap-up speech. The AGEB Coordination synthesized the views and suggestions expressed during the two days and stated that it would announce to all its component parts and the public an approach that includes perspectives such as mass work in the countries we are present in, the direction of our activities, support for the revolutionary struggle in Turkey, and support for anti-imperialist struggles with internationalist consciousness and taking part in them.
The AGEB European meeting ended with applause with the slogans
Unity, Struggle, Victory! Long live AGEB!
AHM Austria
January 05, 2025