Brazil: 525 victims by Police forces in Paraná in 2024

We share an unofficial translation of an article by A Nova Democracia.

In 2024, Paraná’s police forces were responsible for a total of 525 victims, 413 being murdered and 112 injured in cases of physical injuries. These data, released by the Paraná Public Prosecution Service (MPPR) together with Gaesp and Gaeco on January 22, reveal a 20.41% increase in police homicides compared to the previous year, explaining the increase in systematic police violence in the state.

According to the report, most of the murdered were between 18 and 34 years old, representing 67.55% of the total (279 people). Violence is marked by obvious racial profile: 49.9% of the victims were brown or black, while 38% were white. The remainder includes 1.2% Asian and 10.9% not reported, which corresponds to about 45 people. In addition, 11 of the murdered were under 18, reinforcing the devastating impact of police violence among young people.

The Military Police lead the cases of violence

The Military Police were involved in 97.7% of clashes recorded in 2024, while the Civil Police participated in 1.2% of cases and municipal guards of 0.9%. It is important to emphasize that not all clashes resulted in deaths. The total number includes both fatal cases and those ending with injured or without victims.

Among the divisions of the Military Police, the teams of Radio Auto Patrol (RPA) were responsible for 45.5% of clashes, followed by Rotam (28.3%), Rone (13.9%) and Choque (9.8% ).

Geographically, Curitiba led the number with 98 confrontations, followed by Londrina (43 cases) and other cities such as São José dos Pinhais, Foz do Iguaçu and Colombo (15 cases each). Smaller regions also had worrying numbers: Ponta Grossa and Cascavel recorded 11 confrontations each, while Almirante Tamandaré had 10 cases.

Weapons or executions?

According to official police reports, 27% of deaths occurred against disarmed people while 73% allegedly were armed. At the same time, experts point to the history of fake evidence and creating confrontation as factors that compromise data reliability.

Police lethality in the Ratinho Junior administration

Since the beginning of the management of Governor Ratinho Júnior (PSD), in 2019, 2,371 murders have been registered by police forces in Paraná, consolidating the State as one of the most lethal in the country in this regard. At the same time, the number of arrests has also grown exponentially: about 124,500 court orders were given in the period, with 31,000 only in 2024. This increase in imprisonments directly reflects the growth of the Paraná prison population, which rose impressive 32% every two years. In addition, the data indicate that approximately 34% of arrests are related to drug trafficking and currently about 40% of the total prisoners are in provisional regime, i.e. without definitive judgment.

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