Multiple protests across Brazil
Featured image: protest in Recife against the increasing prices of public transport tickets. Source: A Nova Democracia.
During the past week A Nova Democracia (AND) reported on several mobilizations and protests held in different States. Every day different sectors rose their voices and protested against the old State.
Students of UFBA Occupy Rectory
50 students from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) occupied the rectory against the delay of the students aids. This is the second time students have done such a combative actions, with the previous rectory occupation being in October 2024.
The occupation started at 10 am with denounces on the lack of the payment of the aids, which causes the incapacity of pay transport or rent, causing even evictions. The students carried placards with the slogans: “Bureaucracy does not fill refrigerator”, “Pay our scholarships” and “Where’s respect for students?”

Demonstrations against the Increase of the Public Transport Tickets
The price rise of the bus tickets caused a mobilization that was supported by the workers and the people of Recife which shouted “Finally someone talking about it!”.
During the demonstration, the governor of the State, Raquel Lyra and the major of the city, João Campos, were harshly criticized. “Hey Raquel Lyra, screw you, the people want a free pass now! and “Without excusing inflation, this increase is for the bosses profit!” were shouted. Lyra is also responsible of the new project that wants to privatize the metro of the city.

Migrants and Refugees Struggling for better inclusive Politics
On January 24, migrants and refugees, a lot of them organized in the Social Movement of Migrants – RJ protested for better inclusive politics for immigrants and refugees.
They denounced the daily violence they suffer by the institutions. A Syrian refugee that lives in Brazil for 12 years explains how “We always notice a lack of training of public equipment for more specialized and cozy service”.
During the mobilization Moïse Kabagambe and Julieta Hernández, who were murdered in Brazil, were remembered. Moïse was killed in 2022 after charging two days of late payment. His body was found tied to a stairway. Julieta was kidnapped, abused and burned before being killed inside the Amazon in August 2024. Relatives of the victims were in the mobilization and were moved by the remembrance.
The Social Movement of Migrants is preparing their first march that will take place on April.

Strikers against salary discounts
The State Union of Education Professionals (SEPE) attended a virtual hearing at the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice (TJRJ) with the objective of reversing the decision of Mayor Eduardo Paes (PSD) that made a strike illegal. As a consequence of this decision, all teachers who participated in the strike against the Law Project 186 had their salaries reduced, even if the right to strike is secured by the constitution.
The strike was against the so called “Eduardo Paes’ evil package”, the same who now declared the strike illegal. This recently approved package increases the working hours of the teachers without increasing the salary. A hearing was done virtually while in the streets teachers were doing a rally.