Servir Al Pueblo (Spanish State) No. 15: Editorial – The ceasefire in Gaza is a victory for the Palestinian National Resistance

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the editorial by Servir al Pueblo:

The new year begins with important changes. The day before Donald Trump entered the White House, the ceasefire between the Palestinian National Resistance and the Zionist State of Israel came into effect.

This ceasefire is not a simple political maneuver by Trump or Netanyahu, but a political and military defeat of Zionism and US imperialism. It is an important victory for the Palestinian people, which will give the resistance time to recover prisoners and reorganize its combatants. It is the materialization of the will of the Palestinian masses organized for their resistance, for their right to exist. Of course, the imperialists will try to hide their enormous political and military failure. Palestine is today, thanks to the Al-Aqsa Flood, an eternal example of how many of the principles of the People’s War described by Chairman Mao Tse-tung, and highlighted by Chairman Gonzalo – although this war of liberation is not a People’s War, as it is not led by a Communist Party.

Even though captives are being exchanged and aid trucks are entering the Gaza Strip, the ceasefire will eventually break. It will break before stomachs are full, before more children are born again, and of course before Palestine is free from the river to the sea. The ceasefire will not liberate Palestine, and it is, however, a huge victory. It is a victory for the peoples of the world in general, and for the Palestinian people in particular.

The Al-Aqsa Flood is the path to victory

No one can deny that the tables were turned on 7th of October 2023. The armed resistance of the Palestinian people, organized and led primarily by Hamas – and secondarily by other organizations such as the PFLP and DFLP – dealt a blow.

It showed that imperialism is really weak, and that a people small in number can confront a powerful enemy that surpasses it in all military aspects. Because it showed that the fundamental thing in war is men, the ideas for which they fight, and not the weapons. The path of the people is to fight, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again, until the final victory.

Years of tense “calm” are shattered by the firm decision of the Palestinian masses to resist by armed means. The entire Palestinian people approve this measure: It is right to rebel.

A people struggling with conviction under an ideology of liberation against an imperialist army of bourgeois parasitic colonizers, with guerrilla tactics against genocidal actions. The whole of Palestine is a support base for the combatants, who guard, protect and feed them. It is once again scientifically proven that oppressed peoples can defeat imperialism with their own forces!

Palestine is today, thanks to the Al-Aqsa Flood, an eternal example of how many of the principles of the People’s War described by Chairman Mao Tse-tung, and highlighted by Chairman Gonzalo are applied – although this war of liberation is not a People’s War, as it is not led by a Communist Party.

We must denounce the pacifist opportunism so common in imperialist countries. The Palestinian people have chosen the path of armed struggle.

The ceasefire has been won as a tactical victory of the Palestinian National Resistance with guns and bombs. Let the opportunists not take advantage of this now to call for an “indefinite ceasefire” and pave the way for the “two-state solution.” Now, without the presence of Zionist military forces in Gaza, it is time to reorganize and continue to push forward the armed struggle. The difference between the path of capitulation and the path of liberation has never been so clear.

Now that Hamas has begun exchanging captives, it is paying a small price for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

These prisoners will directly join the ranks of the Resistance, as combatants, leaders or supporters. But the exchange will also highlight the hypocrisy of imperialism.

Does anyone believe that Israel will stop the imperialist and colonial war when it gets its captives back? Imperialism has already laid out its plans for the total annihilation of the Palestinian people and the expansion of colonial territory. They display maps without the West Bank and show urban plans for building in Gaza. Even the bourgeois media knows that they have to take all the statements of the Zionist government with a grain of salt. The Palestinian people must not be abandoned, it is still time to support the resistance organizations. This is not the end, it is a fight that we must continue to wage!

Celebrate like the Palestinian masses

Another short-sighted, intellectual, academic and opportunistic position is that the ceasefire is not a victory. The accumulation of circumstances and concrete facts in the class struggle, at a certain point, precipitate in a qualitative leap that transforms the situation and makes evident the historical moment in which we find ourselves. The Zionist state is in a political, military, economic and diplomatic crisis. The ceasefire has not been a pleasant experience for the genocidal Netanyahu, who is portrayed as the commander of an impotent army.

Of course the ceasefire is a victory! It is a humiliation to the bourgeois military line of the imperialists. Netanyahu declared that Hamas would be wiped out, and more than a year later, he is forced to sign a ceasefire.

A wave of celebrations has swept the world following the beginning of the ceasefire. The image, when analyzed objectively, is striking. While three Israeli hostages are freed, a huge mass of families are returning to their former homes, previously occupied by the Israeli army. It is the return of three persons against the return of a people. While the Israelis are bitterly protesting the failure of their colonial project, in the service of Yankee imperialism, the masses around the world are celebrating.

People are becoming radicalized inside and outside Palestine

We must reject defeatist positions that deny the victory of the heroic Palestinian National Resistance. The Palestinian masses have shown that they will defeat imperialism no matter the cost, that they will resolve all the difficulties that arise along the way. Outside Palestine, the people’s masses have shown great proletarian internationalism and combativeness. The achievement of the ceasefire has been a process of radicalization for many elements of solidarity, but who did not fully support the Palestinian armed struggle. We cannot expect anything other than a deepening of radicalization in this year 2025. How great will the celebration of the second anniversary of October 7 be! We will do so with the conviction that we are struggling on the right side of history. We will also do so with a greater conviction of the justice and necessity of the Palestinian armed struggle.

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