News from the People’s War in India and Statement of the CPI (Maoist)
In the past two weeks several alleged actions of the CPI (Maoist) has been reported. One has always to bear in mind that there is an immense number of false-flag operations, fake-encounters, fake-captures and fake-capitulations conducted by the reactionary armed forces of the old big landlord-bureaucratic Indian state and its lackeys.
In the end of February, according to police reports, a head constable of the Chhattisgarh Armed Force (CAF) was killed after an improvised explosive device (IED) planted by the revolutionary forces went off in Chhattisgarh’s Narayanpur district, near the Batum village, around 300 km from state capital Raipur. After receiving information that “Naxalites” have put up banners in the area, a CAF team had launched its operation. When the patrolling team was advancing through Batum, head constable Sanjay Lakra, belonging to CAF’s 16th battalion, inadvertently stepped over a pressure IED connection which triggered the blast, blowing him away.
In early March, according to media reports basing on police information, 15 to 20 revolutionaries torched one JCB machine, one Poclain machine and one mixer machine vehicle engaged in the construction of a bridge of the Puraslagondi-Alenga road. The three vehicles were set ablaze in Ettapalli taluka, in Gadchiroli district of eastern Maharashtra. This is one of several actions with the same intention in that region.
On March 9, a statement of the Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) was published. In India the 23rd of March will be celebrated as an anti-imperialist day. According to the statement:
“On 23rd March 1931, the great sons of India, Comrade Bhagat Singh, Comrade Sukhdev and Comrade Rajguru were murdered by the British colonial power in collaboration with Indian Right wing and comprador bourgeoisie forces.
With their slogans of “Inquilab Zindabad” (Long Live Revolution) and “Down with Imperialism”, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru had opened a new chapter in the Indian history. Those slogans still echoes in every corner of India, still boils the blood of every youth against the injustices that runs the order of the day. Communist Party of CPI (Maoist) pay its humble to homage to those great revolutionaries of India who sacrificed their life in a struggle against Imperialism, Religious fanaticism, caste system and all forms of injustices.
Nine decades has elapsed since 1931 and India’s economy still remains in shackles under the regime of Imperialist and comprador bourgeoisie forces. In the last eight years, the attack of Imperialism on India has escalated with the rise of Brahmanical Hindutva Fascist forces. This clearly shows the close nexus between the hindutva forces- Comprador bourgeoisie- imperialism. After becoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid down a red carpet for the welcoming of foreign capital in the Indian Market. The dominance of foreign capital in the Indian Market has led to pauperization of the working classes and the toiling masses, plundering of natural resources and transfer of wealth because of the unequal exchange system. The comprador bourgeoisie are nurturing a strong bond with Imperialism and they jointly are devastating the economy of India. In order to facilitate the faster accumulation of profit for the ruling classes, the Indian state under fascist BJP rule has scraped several labour protections laws, has totally turned the environment laws as upside down, made an flow of easy credit, land grabbing and unprecedented scale of privatization. The growth reality of India economy remains a classic example of irony where the rich are becoming richer and the poor poorer. India which aspires to be a ‘world leader’ is unable to take care of its own children when they are dying not because of any disease, not because of any natural disaster, not because of external aggression, but due to hunger. On the other hand, the wealth of Ambani and Adani are touching the sky. The facts are clear that the rise of Ambani and Adani has been accompanied with the help of foreign capital and transfer of public money and industries of public sectors to the comprador bourgeoisie, even before the rise of Modi. But, with the rise of Modi the process of flow of foreign capital, privatization and allocation of subsidies to comprador bourgeoisie has enhanced in an unprecedented manner.” You can read the complete statement → here ←
Alike on March 9, an approximately 45-minute encounter between the revolutionary armed forces and the cruel butchers of the people, the 202nd and 208th commando of the CRPF’s unit CoBRA, allegedly took place in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district. “A joint team of the Special Task Force (STF) and Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA) of the CRPF had launched the operation from Dabbamarka camp towards Sakler when the exchange of fire took place at around 9 am” police officials said. It was claimed that there were explosives and ammunition seized, but “the Naxalites escaped into the dense forest”. At least two of the reactionary armed forces were injured in the combat.
On the same day it was reported that a Police informant was liquidated at Mardhur village in the Bhamragarh Taluka (administrative division) in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra.
In the border-zone of Chhattisgarh and Odisha, in the Kharipatha village, Saturday, March 11, a police snitch was reported to be liquidated in Chhattisgarh’s Gariaband district. Allegedly there was a pamphlet collected, in which the Udanti area committee denounced the snitch.
Lately, Central security agencies have undertaken a survey to ascertain the level of influence that Maoists hold in Chhattisgarh: Seven districts — Bastar, Bijapur, Narayanpur, Kanker, Sukma, Dantewada and Kondagaon — are “worst” affected, according to media. The report had to admit that the revolutionaries hold complete control of the area of Abujhmahr, a hilly forest area, spread over 4,000 square kilometers, in Chhattisgarh. An official called Abujhmahr a liberated zone and a Maoist “hotbed”. The old regime, additionally to the again and again failed attempts to drawn the revolution in blood, plans now to start several welfare schemes, including education and healthcare, constructing railway lines, roads, bridges, banks and post offices and electricity supply in the region. Those with some knowledge about the corruption in the electoral system in India shall not be surprised of such false promises because elections are ahead in Chhattisgarh.