Solidarity with the Mexican people in fierce struggle
Proletarian revolutionaries participated in the demonstration in Sainte-Soline against a mega-reservoir project. They upheld proletarian internationalism in struggle by carrying a banner with the slogan ”From France to Mexico, proletarians and peasants unite against imperialist mega-projects!”. Fierce battles unfolded in Sainte Soline, France, on Saturday, at the same time as explosive protests still continue across the country. Thousands clashed with the police in a demonstration against the mega-reservoir being built on the area. This reservoir project has been criticized by local farmers by saying that it only benefits the large farms, grabbing the water reserves of the area for the large monopolies, and already in 2022 there was clashes with the police.
The demonstration in Sainte-Soline started as a calm protest, but then police deployed tear gas into the crowd and attacked the demonstration, as it approached the site of the reservoir-project. Police trucks were set on fire, and the protesters hurled petrol-bombs, fireworks and other projectiles at the police. 28 of the police were injured. The police used excessive force against the protesters. The organizers of the protest say that at least 200 protesters were injured, some seriously, one of which has been reported to be in a coma. Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire reports on Twitter that one of their comrades was hit in the head by an explosive grenade and was not given proper care immediately, like many, as the authorities prevented the emergency services from entering the site at first. The revolutionaries call for intensifying the struggle against the state, which uses brutal force against the protesters to protect their rule.
In Mexico, the struggle unites wide masses of the people, and many different organizations are denouncing the mega-project. Asamblea De Pueblos Indígenas Del Istmo En Defensa De La Tierra Y El Territorio – APIIDT (Assembly of Indigenous People of the Isthmus in Defence of the Land and Territory) and the Puente Madera Community Assembly issued a statement on the 23rd of March denouncing the submission of the Mexican state officials to yankee imperialism in the light of the recent visit of the US delegation. In the statement they denounce the proposal of Lopez Obrador that the people should just wait and there will be dialogue later. They stress that they will defend their right for life and land, and they will not beg anything from the government. They also denounce the proposed military intervention of US imperialism in Mexico.
Additionally, a statement signed by various different organizations was issued by the Espacio_OSC, which is a platform for the protection of human rights defenders and journalists, on the 26th of March against the state repression of the anti-CIIT protests in Oaxaca. The statement denounces the plundering and attacks against the indigenous people, and especially the harassment against the activists of UCIZONI, which has been protesting against the modernization works of the railway in Mogoñe Viejo-Vixidu section on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
In Kristiansand, Norway, activists put up a banner and posters. The banner says: ”The Interoceanic Corridor plunders and kills poor peasants and indigenous people in Mexico!”. The posters also highlighted the struggle of poor peasants in Brazil with the slogans: ”Stop the terror against the people in Mexico! Stop the terror against poor peasants in Brazil! Long live Corriente del Pueblo – Sol Rojo! Long live Liga dos Camponeses Pobres – LCP!”
In Hamburg, dazibaos were put up. They included the slogan ”The Interoceanic Corridor plunders and kills poor peasants and indigenous people in Mexico!” and a text explaining the situation in Mexico.