Peru: Alejandro Toledo’s election campaign was financed by the U.S.
A few weeks ago we reported in The Red Herald about the possible extradition of former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo in a few weeks. Toledo, who was president of the Andean country between 2001 and 2006, was indicted for accepting bribes in the Odebrecht case. Toledo accumulated illicit payments worth around US$31 million for the concession of public works.
Last Sunday, an interview with David Waisman, who was the 2nd Vice President of the government and Minister of Defense in the Toledo administration, was published. In it, Waisman distances himself from the bribes and denies that he knew anything about what was going on in the government where he participated. Besides the president, other politicians and businessmen have been accused in the Odebrecht case. However, what Waisman does confess is that the electoral campaign of Perú Posible, Toledo’s and Waisman’s party, was financed by the US, specifically by George Soros, a well-known investor and one of the richest men in the world.
In the interview, Waisman affirms that Soros donated a “very large” amount of money to finance Toledo’s campaign in the elections and win the presidency after Fujimori’s self-coup.
The newspaper Nuevo Perú reports:
“We deal with this issue and transcribe part of the aforementioned interview to document once again the intervention of Yankee imperialism in our country, which at that time , the year 2000, was done through the so-called “Table of Negotiation of the OEA”. While the direct servants of U.S. imperialism in politics, economy, etc., were promoting a massive movement in our country. They promoted a massive movement, remember the so-called “March of the Four-His”, which served at that time the imperialist plan of “horse changes” of the fascist, genocidal and fatherland-selling regime, which began with the so-called “self-coup” of Fujimori, which was also directed by the Yankee CIA; a regime that with various presidents who have succeeded, is maintained until now”.

In addition, the interview talks about Gustavo Gorriti, a journalist who at the time was very close to Toledo. However, what is not mentioned in the interview is the relationship between Gorriti and Soros, since the businessman, besides financing Toledo’s campaign, financed also IDL Reporteros, the newspaper founded by Gorriti. Nuevo Perú adds in this regard:
“The CIA agent Gorriti, participated directly as Toledo’s bodyguard and through the national and international media at his disposal, counting on Yankee financing (Soros, among others) moved the street and created public opinion favorable to the replacement of reactionary authorities, from the fascist, genocidal and fatherland-selling Fujimori to a transitional government of a few months and then leave the baton to the “Yankee with chullo” [traditional Peruvian hat], who assumed to be the head of the regime and with it of the old and rotten Peruvian State, a landlord-bureaucratic State, at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee. “