Colombia: How the commemoration day of 28A was in the country
We publish an unofficial translation of a statement we found in Nueva Democracia:
How the commemoration day of 28A was in the country
APRIL 29, 2023
We share a video about the first part of the commemoration day of 28A in Medellin.
On the 28th April of 2023, the 2 years anniversary of the Great Popular Uprising that shocked the country and that was a school of independent and combative struggle for the rights of the people and for the popular classes of Colombia, has been commemorated.
Reasons of the commemoration
The Great Popular Uprising is a fact that will remain in the minds of all Colombians who want change. However the demands that yesterday invites us to go massively to the streets, remain alive. The poverty of life impose itself as one unaffordable weight on the popular classes, the attack on the popular rights is deeper, and the government has not represented a favorable change for the majorities of the country. Specifically, the flags of the struggle are the following:
– Approximately 145 activists detained for being related with the Great Popular Uprising remain in prison, for which the social organizations continue demanding freedom for the activists for struggle.
– The patriarchal violence has risen in the last times, with a rise of abuse cases, harassment and murder of women, for which the social organizations rise their voice in defense of the rights of the women of the people.
– The call for reactivation of the student movement is another reason which expresses the social organizations to take the streets the past 28 April.
To continue, we present how the commemorative day was in the different cities of the country:

The day developed with several rally points: Portal Resistencia (old door of Americas), Usme, Suba, Engativa and the Attorney’s Bunker.

From the universities Javeriana, Distrital, Nacional, Pedagogica and the Major College of Cundinamarca, students go to the streets until arrive to Icetex, where demanded benefit and support to the youth for access to superior education.

In the middle of demonstration there were attacks to the transmilenio, and also on the infrastructure of the monopolistic press, specifically RCN and there were riots in different points of the city as well, mainly in the center. The UNDMO, unity of dialog and maintenance of the order, which in fact accomplish the same functions of ESMAD, was present in several areas to repress the demonstrators. It’s reported at least one was detained near of Portal Resistencia.

In Medellin, were several rally points in several universities. The polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid, University of Antiochia (Udea) and the National University (Unal). Also were demonstrators of the Technological Metropolitan Highschool and from the Antiochia Technological (Tdea).
To end the day, the demonstrators blocked the Regional and the Vegas, and the UNDMO (ESMAD), arrived to repress the protest.
We share a video of the first part of the day in Medellin, at the beginning of this article.
Bucaramanga and Cali

In Cali and Bucaramanga there were calls for demonstrations in commemoration of 28A and in the Industrial University of Santander, the 27th April, there were protests and riots related to this commemorative date.
These days -in which more than thousand people around the country combatively demonstrated with the knowledge that we don’t get the change which we want, and that we need to continue struggling for out rights and don’t cares who is in charge in this old State- fill the conviction of revolutionaries and are a good first step for the 1st of May, international day of the working class, occasion in which the popular classes of the whole world will take the streets to commemorate the struggle for their rights and will rise their flags.