For a classist union line!
We publish an unofficial translation of the statement of the Defense Committee of the UNIQUE SUTEP found in Nuevo Perú
Unified in the Classist Union Line and the Statutes of the UNIQUE SUTEP, passed in the Constitution Assembly of the Union in 1972 and ratified in the Statutory Congress of 2003 in the UNE “La Cantuta”, we greet the international proletariat, the Defense Committee of UNIQUE SUTEP, raise at the highest its union banners and, express a enthusiasm classist greeting the Peruvian and international Proletariat, also to our loved people, in the context of the First of May: International Day of the Proletariat.
In the May Day of every year the “International Day of the Proletariat” is celebrated and, as Jose Carlos Mariátegui teaches us: is “a date that has an immense unique international front to all the organized workers. In this date we can see unanimously obey, the words of Karl Marx: “Proletariat of all the countries, unite!” and, that is why, the masses refuse “the corrosive, solvent and pessimist voice of those who negates and of those who doubts, and they look for an optimistic, cordial, youthful, and fecundated voice from those who affirms and believes”. (In Ideology and Politic, José Carlos Mariátegui). And that is why the “Union”, “must not demand their affiliates other thing that the acceptation of the classist base” and, “the union constitutes, fundamental and exclusively, a class body” (Source: Ibid)
The Defense Committee of the UNIQUE SUTEP, greets with a deep and plenty historical optimism the “last class of history”, the proletariat and our beloved people, considering that the Oppressed Nations are the base for the transformations in the context of the sharpening of the contradictions, principally encouraged by the Principal Contradiction between Superpowers, imperialist powers against the oppressed nations and people of the III World. They also concatenate alive facts and actions: the 205 years of the Birthday of the Great Karl Marx (5th May 1818), a Titan to the Proletariat and founder with Friedich Engels, of the Scientific ideology of the Proletariat of its First phase; also 175 years since the publication of Manifesto in 1848; truly “Angular Stone”and Program of the class in its Emancipation and transformation of the darkness in the Reign of the Great World Harmony, without oppressors nor oppressed. This May Day, we reaffirm us in our greet to a “luminary” Latin America, José Carlos Mariátegui, founder in 1928 of the vanguard of the proletariat in Peru, as well as a his unbreakable path of Mariátegui and his Development. In the world sounds the melody of The International and the “trembling red banners” (as the Great F. Engels affirmed), flaming in all the continents: is the indicator symbol of a New Sunrise that will end with the evilness and the joy will be forever in a “new sunrise” for the humanity. We, the teachers, are also proletarianized: every day we sell our working force in exchange of miserable salaries, that only allows us to survive and, moreover, the strenuous over-exploitation with the extension of the work shift (absolute plus-value) and the poverty salaries frozen for the unemployed teachers and the retire people, including the more exploitation of the teachers in “contract” situation. This is how we are: tortured by this fascist and genocidal Government, reactionary, famine producer, exploitator and oppressor Government, represented by the continuity of the deposed ex-president of the republic, the opportunist rondero and counter-revolutionary, Pedro Castillo Terrones and, today his partner in crime: Dina Boluarte, put in the Presidency of the Republic in an coup d’etat by the Big Comprador Bourgeois in collusion and battle with the Big Bureaucratic Bourgeois, principally with the support of the Yankee Imperialism and the “spinal cord of the State”, the repressive forces.

In the current moment it is evident that a general crisis and decomposition of the State System and Govern System with “Institutional Corruption” is intermittent: the case of the “extraordinary bond per living cost” for the Parliamentarians that costs in total 35 millions of Soles (9 900.00 Soles for every Parliamentarian and member of this “Power State”) that will take part this may 2023. Because the country is in the class struggle and the “natural disasters” as the current Extreme Climate Event called “The coastal kid”: extreme rain, overflowing rivers, Tropical Disease, torments, are massively affecting the Peruvian People, specially in the North, the Amazon and the Center of the country, and in front of this situation, the Central Government is not paying attention. Even the World Bank states: “Peru is one of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of economical and health impact, and of the deterioration of the social improvements achieved in the last decade. In July 2022, Peru registered more than 6,000 deaths per million of inhabitants because of the COVID-19, being between the countries with the highest mortality per capita because of the pandemic. The economy fell 11 percent in 2020, its biggest fall in 30 years and the biggest in Latin America this year. As a result, the poverty national tax was incremented a 30,1 per cent, a level that was not seen since 2010, and the extreme poverty achieved the 5.1 per cent in 2020, comparable with the tax of 2013. In the end of 2021, the economy was recovering, but the poverty and the extreme poverty kept in the levels of 2012 and 2015, respectively. The magnitude of the wellness loss during the crisis revealed the fragility of the social improvements achieved in the last two decades. Even with the big answer of the government because of the crisis, Peru faces a highest number of poverty now than before the pandemic. In the peak of the pandemic, the health system collapsed and no one, not mattering the payment capacity, no one could access to an properly attention” World Bank. Reappear strengthened: evaluation of the poverty and equity in Peru. Lima 26 April 2023. And the Big Bureaucratic Bourgeois with its revisionist and opportunist, talking about saving this system that is sinking, “New Constitution, “Constituting Assembly”; it is, giving constitutional illusion for the Bourgeois Path and its parliamentary cretinism. Wolf aspirations has this representatives of the rotten “scab union” with the usurpators of the “red fatherland” of the Derrama Magisterial (its private bank) and, of SUTEP; as well as the opportunism with all its bands and revisionists. Time to time: we are not eternal, so, the people and only the people is the creator of history, lead by the light of the Universe, the “proletarian steel” sustained by the unwithering and unbeatable, Scientific Ideology of the proletariat, today creator since 26/12/2022 in the reincarnated, New International: the International Communist League. This fact is historical, it is not “apologizing”, this are brilliant actions of historical character that only the leading vanguard of the class, has made them that way.
Eternal Honor and Glory to the best sons of the class that gives their life to transform the evilness and darkness into joy and light with happiness for the Humanity!
Long Live the struggles of the Peruvian people and the people of the world!
Down with the Imperialist Aggression War in Ukraine!
Lon Live the Proletariat and the Ukraine People!
Long Live the First of May: International Proletarian Day!
With class position we reaffirm ourself and we express at the same time to the world:
Proletariat of all the countries, unite!
Defense Committee of the UNIQUE SUTEP
Lima, 29th April 2023